Re: Guest Book wedding with Cheese

On Mon, 2011-05-09 at 13:34 +0200, Rene Vlugt | White Vision wrote:
> Hi Everybody, Good afternoon,
> First, I introducé myself. I’m Rene Vlugt from Holland. 
> Next, thank you for the great webcam app cheese! We are very happy
> with this app.
> I’m busy right now to make a digital videobook for a wedding 11 may
> 2011 (we are a little bit late, but I hope you can help us).

nice idea!

> Devices I’m use:
> A desktop with Ubuntu Studio 11.04 (many USB ports and serial ports
> 9pins)
> 19” monitor
> A button to start and stop webcam recording (max. 1 minute, or stop <
> 1 minute to press the button) (I would like to use the serial
> connection, but what do you recommend? If not working, I can use the
> keyboard space button or Mouse, for this time is no problem)

you can either map a key/device to the space key or directly to the
XF86XK_WebCam button. if you are keen on programming, have a look at
tests/test-webcam-button.c which just emits that button.

> We want to use your app  Cheese for digital messages from or
> guests/visitors.
> We need your help, because we want a standard background/picture (with
> small text)  everytime the app is not recording.
> Is that possible? I would like to change the background picture, but
> for this time, I can send the background picture. (if you need)
> Beter is that the backgound picture always on the background and the
> webcam window on the right in the middle of the whole window. But if
> the first question possible, I’m very happy.

you can certainly set a background picture and minimize cheese. by
pressing the button, an image will still be taken.

maybe others have ideas too, i wish you good luck with the photo booth!


> I know, you don’t get paid. But I would like to pay or donation for
> it, It’s no problem. 
> Sorry for my Englisch, it’s not so best…
> I hope you can help us.
> Thank you for your answer.
> Kind regards, 
> Rene Vlugt 
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