Re: Cheese python binding

On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 5:32 PM, Nicolas Bertrand <nico inattendu org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just run my first python code , with the cheese binding :-)
> I just rewrite in python the cheese-test-monitor.c , and it runs like a
> charm.

Great :)

> I keep the libcheese as it is.
> The generation of the cheese binding still a mess, I incorporated it in
> pygtk, by rewriting some configure and directives.
> Now I Plan to make a 'stand-alone' binding( without all the pygtk stuff)
> For that point I have some questions, Did I have to create a separate
> project for th binding ? Like a pycheese module . It could be in the
> gnome project , or first I store it in another platform (like launchpad)
> ? Or foun a way to introduce it in cheese project ?

At first I'd say to create a cheese branch in a git hosting site like (not that I have anything against launchpad but it's
better to use git for this right from the beginning so it will be
easier to merge changes later). This way I can review your changes and
import them when they are ready. Later we could also talk about
getting you a GNOME account and letting you push your changes directly
in cheese.

I've created a cheese project at If you
already have an account there just let me know your user name and I'll
give you commit rights. If you don't go create it and let me know ;-)
By the way if you want to speed up communication you can find us in #cheese channel or you can find my jabber address at

About the gobject-introspection thing. As far as I know it will be the
new blessed way of doing python bindings but it's still experimental.
Using pygi would have the big advantage of just adding annotations in
the source code and some makefile rule and get bindings for most of
the important languages for free.
If you feel more confortable and already obtained working results with
the pygtk way I'm fine, we don't have any gobject-support right now,
we will add support for pygi when we'll add gobject-introspection
annotations for the other languages.

I'm not sure if there's any need for a separate project, a python/
directory in cheese source code would be enough.

About libcheese, I wanted to export libcheese-common stuff since some
time, I'm not sure if it would be better to include them in a separate
-common library or just export them into cheese-gtk. Probably the
second choice would be the easiest (we already did it for
CheeseCameraDeviceMonitor, we could just do it for CheeseCameraDevice
too), I'll probably commit something by this morning.

Let me know what you think, particularly about the gitorious thing.


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