hello cheese developers, contributors, users and ice cream eaters! gnome 3.0 is coming nearer and as cheese in its current state isnt that customizable or enhancable, we had the thought of doing a cheese three zero, which should get our lives easier. the basic idea is to split cheese into 2 parts: a) libcheese, which does all the webcam handling, the gstreamer pipeline, effects and of course taking photos and videos. b) cheese-ui will then just use libcheese to build its ui on top of it. so far, we are quite similar to the current state. however, we would like to have libcheese included in empathy, gnome-about-me etc. its not that clear to us, how that will look like, but its the idea that counts. libcheese however will be written in c. cheese-ui definitely in another language. the current favourite seems to be vala right now. please visit http://live.gnome.org/Cheese/ThreeZero to get an overview of our thoughts at the current moment. it would be very great to receive some feedback about those ideas, about new ideas and of course we would be more than pleased if somebody would like to help us. daniel -- this mail was sent using 100% recycled electrons ================================================ daniel g. siegel <dgsiegel gnome org> http://home.cs.tum.edu/~siegel gnupg key id: 0x6EEC9E62 fingerprint: DE5B 1F64 9034 1FB6 E120 DE10 268D AFD5 6EEC 9E62 encrypted email preferred
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