Re: Cheese Manual

hey josh!

great work so far! 

just a few comments from my side:

- how about using the short description we already use, something like 

  "Cheese is a Photobooth-inspired GNOME application for taking 
  pictures and videos from a webcam. It also includes fancy graphical
  effects based on the gstreamer-backend."
  of course im open to something new and better!

- imho, the <publisher role="maintainer"> should be you and not me ;)

- same for <author>, ah let jaap there, he already did something there, 
  but remove me

- the shortcut for "take a photo" is "space", alt-t is just a  
  mnemonic. i dont know, if we should list mnemonics in the manual?

- i didnt believe it too: horizontal flip is turning the picture 
  sideways, along the horizontal axis

- for the faq, you can take a look here:

- dont forget jaap in section about!! or he will be angry

- we could add a "how to get my cam working", where we describe what to 
  do, if a cam doesnt work on the first try

i think thats all ;) dont see that list as a list of bad things, you are
on a great way! just keep going. 

> Once it is all in, I will work on editing it, cleaning it up, getting
> rid of stuff that isn't needed and making it more consistant with how
> manuals are written in GNOME, and then I will submit the task to the
> location specified on the issue page. 

awesome ;) i cant wait to see that


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