Announcing California 0.2

I'm pleased to announce the release of California 0.2, Yorba's new GNOME 3 calendar application.  A lot has happened since we announced California (way back in March) and I'm happy to say that we got more features into this first release than I thought we'd make.  Version 0.2 offers the following:

 * Month and Week views of events
 * Add and remove Google, CalDAV, and webcal (.ics) calendars
 * Integrates with Evolution Data Server, so your existing Evolution calendars are automatically available
 * Add, view, edit, and remove events (including recurring events)
 * A natural-language Quick Add parser for easily adding events: just type in the information and California schedules the event(s)
 * F1 online help (thanks Jim Campbell!)
 * Smooth animations and popovers for viewing information effortlessly

The California 0.2.0 tarball is available for download at

California is also available for Ubuntu Utopic (and its derivatives) at Yorba’s PPA:

-- Jim

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