Re: [BuildStream] BuildStream 1.5.0 released

Hi Chandan,

On Wed, 2020-05-13 at 16:35 +0100, Chandan Singh wrote:
Hi Tristan,

I've dropped the GNOME list from my response, to minimize the noise.
Feel free to add it back if relevant.

Thanks for making both the releases. With my PyPI release person hat
on, I want to ask whether 1.5.0 needs to be released on PyPI?

I've uploaded 1.4.3 already but not 1.5.0 given it's odd minor
version. So, I wanted to ask whether it needs to be on PyPI or not?
And if so, do we want this a proper release or a development

Note that if it's a proper release, `pip install buildstream` without
any other arguments will pick the latest releases, and hence  1.5.0
over 1.4 series.
1.5.0 is odd number minor pointt so naturally it's a development
snapshot, people should not receive it by default like 1.4.x or 1.6.x.

I think it's probably valuable to provide it via PyPI as a development
snapshot like any other odd minor point, but it's probably got a fairly
short lifespan (mostly we want to identify if the technically breaking
change of how includes work cause any real problems before jumping into


PS: Thanks a lot for wrapping the PyPI releases ! people are using them
so they are very valuable :)

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