Re: [BuildStream] Reporting progress for long-running tasks

On 2019-07-10 17:53, Jonathan Maw via buildstream-list wrote:
Unfortunately, I won't have time to implement all of this before I'm 
moved on
to a different project, but I hope to be able to be able to put 
together an
example of this, so that I can feel out some of the details.

Hi all,

I've put together an illustrative example of this at
Unfortunately, I didn't have time to put together an example of progress 
reporting for long-running tasks that run in subprocesses, but it does 
manage to show off:
* A relatively simple contextmanager for setting progress information in 
a long-running task.
  - That logs when it starts and finishes (with the progress information 
at the time it finished)
  - And render updates are throttled to once per second.

Thanks all,


Jonathan Maw, Software Engineer, Codethink Ltd.
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