Re: [BuildStream] BuildStream Gathering: Call for agenda


On 2019-01-11 16:48, Chandan Singh wrote:
Call for topics

If you wish to propose a topic for the Gathering, please reply to this thread.
For each proposal, please also indicate which kind of slot you want -
All hands (1 hr, everyone), Regular topic (45 mins) or Small topic (25 mins).

See below with suggested slot types:

How can we improve performance?
All hands (1 hr).
Some key areas:
    * element_update_state
    * element graph annotation via (smarter) querying of servers
    * scheduler changes
    * workspace handling
    * YAML caching
In preparation, work will be done on profiling of large projects and collecting data in order to present the findings at the event. Expect a more detailed post to the list soon.

BuildStream 2.0
All hands (1 hr).
While it seems that people agree about the change in release plan on
the mailing list, there hasn't been an official confirmation or

We may also want to (briefly) discuss potential breaking changes. I've
mentioned a few on the list [1]. It would be good to at least
conceptually discuss breaking changes and a suitable transition
strategy (e.g., does my suggested approach of adding compatibility code
to [external] plugins make sense?).


Regular topic (45 mins).
Stop resolving symlinks in _relative_symlink_target
Cache artifacts with virtual directories instead of filesystem
Partial CAS - only download artifacts or source when needed

Regular topic (45 mins).
Discuss replacing BuildStream's local CAS cache handling with buildbox-
casd. Write down casd requirements to allow full BuildStream

Artifact server configuration in projects and junctions
Regular topic (45 mins).
The current artifact server configuration possibilities don't seem to
cover all needs. Especially with regards to servers configured in
subprojects. We should discuss improvements for this. In light of the
change in release plan, we likely do not need 100% backward
compatibility, but we should still make transition as convenient as
possible, of course.

Related issues:

fork vs. multi-threading
Regular topic (45 mins).
There are some issues with the current fork-based subprocess model. One
is that we can't share the HTTP/2 connection to the artifact server
across subprocesses[2]. Another is that we have to be very careful not
to use a multi-threaded library (such as gRPC) in the main process
because forking a multi-threaded process is highly problematic.


The fork model also adds complexity with regards to element state
handling as all state changes in a subprocess need to be propagated to
the main process somehow.

fork is also not natively available on Windows, which will likely be an
issue if/when we start a native Windows port.

Do we want to at least evaluate a change of the subprocess model for
BuildStream 2.0?

Multiple elements in bst shell
Small topic (25 mins).
Specifically the 'build shell' element of this, rather than the 'runtime shell'.

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