Re: [BuildStream] Migration of plugins away from BuildStream core

Hi everyone,

On Tue, 2019-02-26 at 11:07 +0000, Phil Dawson via BuildStream-list
# What we want in core

From various discussions on the mailing list and during the last two
gatherings, this part seems to be fairly uncontroversial. However,
please shout out if you disagree.

The end goal is to have the following plugins in Core:

# The migration of plugins from core

The above list of plugins which we want in BuildStream core leaves
the following plugins to migrate:

elements    | sources |
make        | git     |
cmake       | tar     |
autotools   | bzip    |
qmake       | bzr     |
distutils   | ostree  |
makemaker   | patch   |
modulebuild | deb     |
meson       | pip     |
pip         |         |

The plugins which are moved out of BuildStream core will be moved
into use-case specific repositories. While their seems to be general
agreement on this point, the specifics have not had much discussion
and so I'm particularly interested to hear other peoples thoughts

One thing I haven't seen mentioned at all is distribution packaging. I
maintain the Fedora package for Buildstream.

As it is, `dnf install buildstream` on Fedora provides something that
is very useful out of the box.

With the migration, all those plugin repositories will need to be
packaged separately.

I personally do not plan on doing that. I signed up to maintain one
package, and it suddenly transforms into 10+ packages under me, which
is not something I'm happy about.

Unless somebody else steps up to maintain those plugin packages, that
means people using dnf to install Buildstream will be extremely
disappointed, as they do not get any more something readily useful.

Of course, if somebody does want to maintain all those plugin packages,
I am more than happy to transfer to them the main buildstream package
as well.


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