[BuildStream] Build Meetup in London: CFP

Hi there,

On 1st & 2nd October 2019, Cloudflare, Bloomberg and Google will be hosting
a Build Meetup at the Cloudflare offices in London.
As the schedule is being shaped, we are announcing a call for speakers.
The keynote will be presented by Andrey Mokhov
The event will be themed around all things build and test: Bazel, Buck,
BuildStream, ccache, CMake, distcc, Dune, Pants,
Remote Execution and all the surrounding ecosystems. On the first day a
series of talks will be presented followed by refreshments.
On the 2nd October, there will be an opportunity for broader community
collaboration and discussion during our all day hackathon.
We are looking for insightful and engaging talks and presentations on
topics focused around build systems. Have you worked tirelessly
for the past 6 months on a new feature for project foo you would like to
showcase? Have you and your team spent the last year integrating
the tool bar at your workplace? Do you have some comparisons to make
between qux and quux that the community could benefit from?
If so, we and the community would like to hear from you
Proposals welcome from 10 minute lightning talks all the way to 45 minute
deep dives.
We'll be sending out conference registration separately over the next few


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