Re: [BuildStream] BuildStream "Conclave" in Manchester on October 2018 (week 42)

On 20/09/18 10:48, Agustín Benito Bethencourt wrote:

On Thursday, 20 September 2018 10:55:40 CEST William Salmon via BuildStream-list wrote:
On 19/09/18 12:22, Agustín Benito Bethencourt via BuildStream-list wrote:

* Agenda
     * There will be a mix of coordination meetings, coding sessions, training sessions and lightning 
     * We do not have anything closed yet.
Can I suggest that a talk on architecture might be very helpful, I
believe an attempt at this was made at GUADEC but I can't find any
record of it.

A repeated issue seems to be patches not conforming to a Architectural
vision/plan, however I have found it very hard to understand what that
Architecture should look like, I think some more clarity on both how
things "currently work" but more importantly "should work" would make
writing and reviewing code much more productive.
I got the impression that the initial effort done at GUADEC on this regard was well received and we should 

I also think we should go a step further compared to GUADEC. Any explanation about it should be recorded and 
there should be material supporting it. It is a topic every new contributor will welcome. We can do a couple 
of things:
* Have a presentation that is recorded.
I think recording the presentation is a no brain-er as its so easy.
* Have a working sessions to create/complete the current material.
This sounds like it is planed (via other thread)


That said I think that recorded presentations etc are very poor ways to capture this sort of information for the record/reference, although great for understanding so we should have a presentation.

Some kind of easily search-able/reference-able and coherent document that we can use when preparing or reviewing patches would be the ideal output (for me) but so long as we have committed to doing the work it might be the output of the week rather than what gets presented.

The key for the success or these and other activities will be to work on them in advance.
+1, sounds like this is already in the pipe line. (via other thread)

Best Regards

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