Hi Sander,
In the abstract, it looks to me like you did a valuable in-depth
analysis of what code paths we are traversing in the process of
building remotely, and which parts are redundant.
As you highlight, there are already plans for CAS-to-CAS import and
SourceCache which are intended to remove some of these redundancies,
but others apparently will remain.
Thanks for doing this !
You're most welcome. While my contributions to the project are not in writing code, due to being too short on time, I do have the occasional moment to do an in-depth review - this one happened to coincide with air travel :).
As I recall, Jim volunteered to write-up a new section to the
Architecture documentation for remote execution, so I hope this email
is valuable to him in drafting an ideal description of the remote
execution architecture for BuildStream / BuildGrid.
A little bit more at the end...
On Thu, 2018-11-08 at 14:01 -0800, Sander Striker via BuildStream-list wrote:
> Hi,
> After the exchange in the "Coping with partial artifacts" thread, I
> realize that we haven't actually had a conversation on list about
> partial local CAS, and by extension local ArtifactCache. Let me
> first explain what I mean with partial local CAS. Let's define it as
> a CAS that contains Tree and Directory nodes, but not the [all of]
> actual file content blobs.
> I'll outline the context and importance of this concept. In remote
> execution builds do not run on the local machine. As such to be able
> to perform a build, it is important to be able to _describe_ the
> inputs to a build. When all of the input files are locally
> available, this can be done. However, when the input files are not
> locally available, should we then incur the cost of fetching them?Â
> Is there another way?
> To answer that question let's review how remote execution is supposed
> to work again in the context of BuildStream. To build an element:
> 1) Compose a merkle tree of all dependencies, and all sources
> 2) Create a Command and an Action message
> 3) FindMissingBlobs(command, action, blobs in the merkle tree)
> 4) Upload the missing blobs
> 5) Submit the request to the execution service
> 6) Wait for the request to complete
> 7) Download the result merkle tree
> 8) Construct a merkle tree for the Artifact (based on the result)
> 9) FindMissingBlobs(blobs in the artifact merkle tree)
> 10) Upload the missing blobs
> 11) Store a ref to the artifact merkle tree in ArtifactCache
> Let's dive in a bit and look where the inefficiencies are in the
> current implementation.
> Step 1 happens during staging. More specifically in
> buildelement.py:stage(). We start with the dependencies. For
> directories backed by CAS, we don't need to actually stage them on
> the filesystem. We can import files between CAS directories by
> reference (hash), without even needing the files locally. This isn't
> currently implemented (_casbaseddirectory.py:import_files), but that
> should change with CAS-to-CAS import (MR !911). Â
> After the depencies are staged, we move on to the sources. Currently
> this is still fairly clunky, as we are actually staging sources on
> the filesystem and then importing that into our virtual staging
> directory (element.py:_stage_sources_at). With SourceCache this
> should be as efficient as staging dependencies for non-modified
> elements.
> Step 2 through 11 all happen during _sandboxremote.py:run().
> Step 2-4 aren't currently implemented in this fashion, and instead
> serially call a number of network RPCs. In _sandboxremote.py:run() a
> call is made to cascache.push_directory(). This will push up any
> missing directory nodes, or any missing files.
> In _sandboxremote:run_remote_command() we are using
> cascache.push_message(), followed by
> cascache.verify_digest_pushed(). This results in a Write RPC,
> followed by a FindMissingBlobs RPC. For both the Command and the
> Action. In short, we could be eliminating a couple of RPCs and thus
> network roundrips here.
> I'll skip over step 5-6 as these are not very interesting. Although
> it should be noted that _sandboxremote.py:run() is ignoring the build
> logs from the execution response.
> In step 7, which happens in _sandboxremote.py:process_job_output(),
> we take a Tree digest that we received from the execution service,
> and use it in a call to cascache.pull_tree(). This will fetch all of
> the file blobs that are present in the tree that are not available
> locally. It will also store all of the directory nodes that are
> referenced in the tree, and return the root digest. This is used to
> construct the result virtual directory of the sandbox.
> In step 8 we go back to constructing a file system representation of
> the artifact, instead of using a CAS backed directory. This happens
> in element.py:assemble() through a call to cascache.commit(). This
> will do a local filesystem import of files, the majority of which we
> exported in step 7. It will put an entry in the local ArtifactCache.
> Step 9-11 happen during the push phase. Here we rely on
> cascache.push() to ensure that the artifact is made available on the
> remote CAS server.
> Sidenote while we're here: apart from step 9-11 we don't actually
> make it clear to the scheduler which resources are needed. As far as
> it is concerned a remote build job is currently taking up PROCESS
> tokens.
> If you made it all the way here, thank you :). I think we need to
> eliminate the unneeded filesystem access first.
> Then we can go further and support partial CAS by:
> - erroring when FindMissingBlobs() calls return digests that we don't
> actually have locally
> - retrieving just the Tree, rather than all blobs when we process
> ActionResults
> Only when you actually want to use the artifact locally should we
> fetch the actual file objects. For instance in case of bst
> [artifact] checkout. Or bst shell. If we are not using the files,
> there is no real point in downloading all this content, which takes
> both time and disk space.
I mostly agree with this but I think it is also questionable and
depends on circumstance and user expectations.
One way to look at things is simply:
 * I run BuildStream to build, and whether I am getting assistance
  from a remote build service or not, my expectation is that I
  have the result locally.
When do you actually expect to have these results exactly? And what results specifically? Because when you are not actually using these artifacts locally, you wouldn't even notice that you don't have them.
If you're building a large stack, where you've made a change at the bottom and you want to evaluate the impact at the top, the likely two results that you care about are the bottom element and the top element.
And maybe even just the top element, as that is the one that you are evaluating. And how will you evaluate? By running bst [artifact] checkout or bst shell, or something similar.
I have a feeling we are probably on opposing ends on this, which can only lead to one compromise: make it configurable to always download all artifacts. That way users that don't need artifacts are not penalized by having to download them anyway, and clean them up afterwards.
 * I run BuildStream to build, and whether I am getting assistance
  from a remote build service or not, my expectation is that the
  resulting artifacts are uploaded to the appropriate artifact
Only if you have push permissions to the artifact servers, right?
I have been hearing a lot about expectations that people will use
setups where the project has a dedicated execution service AND artifact
cache, and that the CAS tied to remote execution will happen to be the
same CAS which is used as an artifact server.
Correct. ArtifactCache is just a name -> digest mapping service. All of the actual content of an artifact will be in a CAS service. The optimal setup would have the same CAS store the buildstream artifact content as well as the remote execution action result content, as there will be a lot overlap there.
While I agree that this seems to be an optimal setup, I have my doubts
as to how reasonable the expectation is; for this to be the norm in a
distributed environment where multiple projects maintained by multiple
entities overlap, and artifacts from subprojects are shared, etc - this
expectation only seems to hold water in a closed and controlled
I'm not sure I agree on that, but maybe your example below can be used to illustrate.
I rather envision that people will want to work on project A which
depends on project B, both with different artifact servers, but having
credentials only to upload to project A - and that one day a developer
might want to branch out and try/setup a remote execution service.
In that light, I am also interested in the cases where you build
something on a remote execution service that is unrelated to your
artifact servers, and hope that the execution service can download and
upload artifacts to the appropriate servers without round tripping to
the host running the BuildStream client (unless we are in a scenario
where the goal of running the client is to have the created artifacts
locally, where at least the host needs to download results after builds
In that scenario there is currently no provision in the protocol other than having the host "pull" and "push" the content from one to the other.
In your scenario above, the artifacts would come from project B, be uploaded to project A's CAS, because of a FindMissingBlobs() returning missing blobs as part of a remote executing an element from project A.
One could conceive a Replication service definition that contains APIs for:
- pushing Trees|Directories|blobs to a target cas endpoint
- pulling Trees|Directories|blobs from a source cas endpoint
We can't make any assumption about any CAS endpoint configured in a BuildStream project will actually implement this service. Also, this service definition comes with interesting authentication/authorization implications as well.
In other words, in the less optimal setup, where artifactcache CAS endpoint is different from the remote execution endpoint _and_ you have push privileges to the artifactcache CAS endpoint, bst would need to pull the results from the remote execution CAS endpoint and push them to artifactcache CAS endpoint.
Note that my use of push and pull is liberal here - I expect these to be implemented by using the normal ContentAddressableStorage service calls.