Re: [Add Gitlab features to BuildStream 00/04] proposal to apply Gitlab features to BuildStream


On Tuesday, 22 May 2018 10:50:35 CEST Laurence Urhegyi wrote:
Hi Agustin,

I'm a bit late here to this discussion, so apologies, but I've now reviewed
all of the proposal, so I'll top-post here in summary.

The templates all make sense to me. I like that tickets are automatically
related to a milestone and automatically have labels in each ticket, this
helps to enforce the selection. I still think the project will need to be
diligent and not 'let things slip', but once people get into the habit,
this shouldn't be a problem. Clearly templates are an easy win and should
bring a large benefit for very little effort.

The labels all make sense, too.

I think there's some more that we can do, as a team, right now:

* Self-assign the ticket you're working on.

This would be of a great help.

* Add appropriate labels to your ticket.

Additionally, please add the BuildStream_v1.1 milestone to those tickets you 
are working on. The name of the milestone might change. we are currently 
discussing this topic. In any case, you will not need to change it.

* Update the ticket being worked on as you go: an update every other day, at
least, seems sensible.

The policy I would like to promote is the following, assuming that developers 
work on code, tracked on the merge requests:
* Update the ticket when a relevant event occurs.
* In any case update the ticket every couple of days.
** Add a short summery of progress and what are you focusing on the coming 
couple of days.
** Two lines might be enough. 

The above is relevant because The Open is an asynchronous and a (potentially) 
high latency world. You might not be available to provide an overview of what 
you are up to when somebody need else needs the info.


Best Regards

Agustín Benito Bethencourt
Principal Consultant
Codethink Ltd

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