Re: [Add Gitlab features to BuildStream 01/04]: Milestones


On Sunday, 13 May 2018 23:48:53 CEST Agustín Benito Bethencourt wrote:

### Milestones

Milestones allow us to structure all activities in groups and relate these
group of actions with time frames. This is extremely useful for road-mapping
and visualization, specially when releases are approaching.

General description of how milestones work on Gitlab: ee/user/project/milestones/

Proposal: make use of milestones as a high level structure of our
* Create a global milestone for the ongoing work:
* Create another global milestone for the future work:

I need to confirm the following information in order to add the right dates to 
the milestones. Having this info clear will help me also in a parallel task I 
am working on which is visualising the current roadmap.

1. I was informed today that the current intention is to release the next 
stable version, BuildStream v1.2.0, together with the GNOME stable release, 
which according to their roadmap page[1] will take place on Wednesday 
September 5th (GNOME 3.30.0)

Is this correct?

2. When will we release the last version of the 1.1.x serie? 1.1.n RD 
(Relesase Day)

3. Are we planning to have a stabilization phase between 1.1.n RD and 1.2.0 
RD? Or both, development (BuildStream v1.3.0) and stabilization (BuildStream 
v1.2.0) will run in parallel?  In other words, are we going to focus all the 
effort to produtization/release tasks during that interval?

If we do not know at this point the answer to this third question, I will 
assume for now that the stabilization phase will not run in parallel with the 
development of the next dev version so the Milestone sequence is easier. I 
will adapt the dates once we know the answer to this question.

In any case, to differentiate dev. and stable releases, it seems wise to add a 
third milestone BuildStream_v1.3 on gitlab to avoid confusion with how our 
development vs stable releases work. The description will be also improved.

In order to track closely the work done in this regard, please activate the 
notifications of this ticket:


Best Regards
Agustín Benito Bethencourt
Principal Consultant
Codethink Ltd

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