Re: Proposal: Add support for running tests in BuildStream

On 2018-07-19 07:52, Tristan Van Berkom via Buildstream-list wrote:
On Tue, 2018-07-17 at 23:00 -0400, Chandan Singh wrote:

I have not thought of the complete details yet but here's a rough sketch of
the implementation plan:

- Add a new type of dependency other than 'build' and 'run' called 'test',
  which will be staged only while running tests.

Seems logical to me. We wouldn't want to drag in test dependencies unless they are going to be used.

- Allow elements to define 'test-commands', which will define how to run the

I agree with this also. Baserock had/has a longer set of set of *commands, including test-commands

- When constructing the pipeline, queue jobs for running tests if
  'test-commands' are defined.

- Optionally, provide a way skip running the tests when doing a build.

What do people think? Although we still need to finalize the details of how this would work, are there any other concerns with the high-level plan?

+1 from me.

Now Tristan's comment...

From what I understand, your proposal explicitly tries to reduce the
number of elements in your pipeline - while conversely, the design of

While I think it's correct that Chandan has an (implied) interest in avoiding too many bst files, I don't think that's the main drive for his proposal.

Regarding organisation of elements vs bst files, the approach we ended up with in YBD was to separate by convention, not by enforcement in code. For example YBD can parse a whole cluster (including set of systems, made up of strata, with all component *commands etc) from a single file. I tried to make this as permissive as possible for users, by scanning the whole directory tree looking for what might count as applicable definitions files.

  o We are currently in the process of adding the "(@)" include
    directive, which I think could plausibly have a natural extension
    to a macro directive (e.g. and include with contextual

Does bst *have* to introduce more cryptic operators for this? :-)


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