Re: move to yaml

Nice stuff!

BTW, master has already moved to YAML, but I've been using the
python-yaml module so far in order to move forward.

2010/10/3 Abderrahim Kitouni <a kitouni gmail com>:
> Hi all,
> So the big change now is to move from JSON to YAML, and since depending
> on a big lib isn't an option for an uninstallable build system, I was
> looking at lighter alternatives. There is a small parser in the yaml
> branch that uses the tokenize module (and thus isn't exactly correct,
> but can parse most files as long as they are using quoted strings for
> strings of more than one word).
> So I was looking for a better option, I tried to port the YAML::Tiny
> Perl module, it's mostly working now but I'm not sure about the
> license : What license does buildj use/accept? (YAML::Tiny uses the same
> license as perl : dual Artistic/GPL).
> Anyway, I'll try to upload it somewhere even if not used by buildj. (I
> think we should use it even if we don't like GPL until we find a better
> option). What do you think?
> Abderrahim
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Un saludo,
Alberto Ruiz

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