Re: [Builder] Adding Handlers from the GUI Builder

On 06/18/2019 03:23 PM, David Strauss wrote:
I'm having trouble adding handlers to components I'm graphically editing, and I'm not sure if I'm running into a bug or just part of the Builder learning curve.

Let's say I have an ApplicationWindow with a GtkSwitch widget. While the GtkSwitch has focus in the GUI editor, at the bottom of the Builder window, I select the "Signals" tab. For "state-set", I configure a handler: "_on_set_state". Yet, I don't see the handler written to the XML for the window. Finally, I add a callback method to the corresponding Python class with theĀ @Gtk.Template.Callback() decorator.

If I run the app, I get "RuntimeError: Handler '_on_set_state' was declared with @Gtk.Template.Callback but was not present in template".

I feel like the XML should get the following added to <object class="GtkSwitch">:

<signal name="state-set" handler="_on_state_set" swapped="no"/>

I actually see nothing written to the project, and the signal is missing if I re-open the project in Builder.

Possibly two things:

 * You didn't tab out of the cell after adding the text (you should know
   by if it added a new empty row below). It's just how the glade editor
   works, even though it's a bit annoying.
 * The .ui file didn't get saved. This one is pretty annoying and has to
   do with some cases where our key-press are hijacked and we can't
   activate the Save action. If that happened, just click somewhere on
   the UI design and hit Ctrl+s to save.

-- Christian

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