Re: [Builder] 3.24 Planning

On 08/24/2016 03:35 PM, Daniel Espinosa wrote:
I would like to see comments and approved for commit, my work on Vala
templates. I have already some other features in templates like Gtk+
Vala projects template. Next is in short, to add documentation
generation for Vala, just to be prepared cleaned before to promote a patch.

All base for future Vala Templates development depends on Bug #766621.

I'd like to see this land for 3.22.

One desperately "missing" in Builder is Vala development stability. As
you may know it crash constantly, making it unusable for day a day work;
just disabling Vala plugin, you get a GEdit comparable editor.

The crashiness of libvala is most unfortunate. We really need someone to
do the tedious work to move it out of process (using the IdeWorker
abstraction) like we did for Python Jedi.

One other desperately missing in Builder is colored Terminal output.
Because Vala plugin should be disable to avoid crashing, you are forced
to use a separate Terminal window to build, catch errors using colored
output more easy than in build-in Terminal in Builder, witch it makes
the work but without colors is very hard to find errors and warnings.
This is Bug #768828. This is because no error and warnings are show in
side panel, like it is for C compilation.

The warnings in the side-panel for C code is provided by the GCC plugin.
It simply looks for a regex in the log output (similar to VIM
errorformat regexes). This shouldn't require much more than an
IdeBuildResultAddin and a regex.

If someone works on it, its pretty easy to land for 3.22 as well.

-- Christian

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