Re: possible F13 build slave

From: Matthias Clasen <matthias clasen gmail com>

> i have an x86_64 machine running F13 here that I consider setting up
> as a build slave.

Well, if you finally decide to do that, you have here [1] the howto.

In brief, at the beginning you should configure both slave and master
in your own machine. Once it is working, it is just configure the
master on b.g.o to include your slave, and configure your slave to
connect to b.g.o master.

Additionally, a good percentage of the modules should be compiling
properly. Frederic Peters proposed 80% or 2/3 in the past [2].

(Although it is true that the current RHEL5 slave require some review
to fullfil this implicit requirement (cough)).

Thanks for your offer.



API (apinheiro igalia com)

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