Re: Glad to read that Brasero has a maintainer again

Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup gmx net> wrote:

i read that Joshua Lock took over maintainance of Brasero.

Being the developer of libburn and libisofs i want to offer
any help with using these libraries.

Given the fact that using e.g. libburn from a GUI would force the GUI to aquire 
more privileges than the privileges from an ordinary user (*), I stongly 
discourage people from directly calling burning code from a GUI. Note that 
running GUI programs with enhanced privileges in general is seen as a security 
risk due to the complexity of GUI code.

*) Note that if you limit yourself to a subset of what's possible, this is not 
needed on Linux due to a security problem introduced in spring 2004. Other OS 
however behave different and if you are interested in portable software, you 
should eyeball at the general case.

The programs from cdrtools on the other side are well audited and encapsulate 
the needed privilege enhancement into a secure environment. Since Spring 2013 
cdrtools added Linux to the platforms that are supported with fine grained 
privileges. Before this support was only available for Solaris.

Currently there is a complaint at users lists fedoraproject org
that Brasero would not do Blu-ray.
  "The state of blu-ray burning in linux is terrible"
I only could advise to use the command line backends (and slightly
complain that i have no idea how to contact a Brasero maintainer
who would care for that).

I myself cannot easily get to a contemporary Brasero runtime, because
my system is too old for all the new Gnome stuff (still on fvwm2).
But you may forward any user problems to me, which deal with the
burn backends. Be it cdrecord, wodim, growisofs, or libburn.

Why do you write this claim? We all know that you have no relation to the 
standard burn backend cdrtools (cdrecord, mkisofs, cdda2wav, ...). Also: 
problems should be forwarded to the people who know about the software and 
who can tell you whether there is a problem in the backend (and fix this 
if needed) or whether there is a problem somewhere else.


wodim is unmaintained since May 2007 and a constant source of problems. This is 
why even those Linux distros who followed the diffamation campaign from Debian 
now return to the original software cdrtools.

growisofs seems to be unmaintained since March 2008 and recently presented 
several problems as a result of being unmaintained.


 EMail:joerg schily isdn cs tu-berlin de (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
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