Re: planning ahead, sort of :) August 2nd.

i'm fairly new to the list and was wondering what exactly goes down at
these meetings? i'm a student in boston as well and am always down for
drinking and all things gnome.

mat nicholson.

On Thu, 2005-07-21 at 17:32 -0400, Luis Villa wrote:
> So, being as I'm all like student-y[1] and shit now, I have
> Responsibilities on Wednesday nights this summer. :/ But I have been
> informed by reliable sources[2] that there are other days of the week.
> So, tuesday night, Aug. 2nd[3] I propose Yet Another Drinking Culture.
> Because we have so much time, we can actually discuss where to have
> it.[4]
> Conditions:
> * reachable by subway for the ximian-y folks
> * quiet enough you can actually talk
> * beer, preferably lots and varied and cheap[5]
> * space for 10-20 people.
> Anyway, discuss! and I'll see you all in a dozen days.
> Luis
> [1] yeah, so, it is only summer school. Bite me ;)
> [2] as much as any applet can be called reliable
> [3] Yeah, it's a long way away, but I'm a busy man, what can I say?
> [4] Yes I know it's going to end up being in the same place we always
> have it, but it can't hurt to try ;)
> [5] yes, I know it is Boston and that last condition is impossible.
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