Re: beast source code LGPL change

On Tue, 28 Feb 2006, Stefan Westerfeld wrote:

On Tue, Feb 28, 2006 at 01:48:48AM +0100, Tim Janik wrote:

as discussed previously, i'd like to move all of the beast source code
(all computer interpretable code like .c, .cc, .scm files, scripts,
images, music, etc. in the beast CVS repository) to the LGPL (version 2
or later).

and, there is nothing wrong from my side point-of-view with LGPLing


but for these files you'll need to ask Matthias Kretz, too.

hi matthias.

as stefan outlined, beast/plugins/ and beast/plugins/artscompressor.idl are based partially on compressor code by
you. afaik, released under the GPL and submitted to the aRts project.
are you ok with LGPL-ing those code portions as outlined in the text above?

to check the remainings of your contributions, i've attached the most recent
versions of both files from the beast CVS.

/* ArtsCompressor - aRts Compressor Effect
 * Copyright (C) 2001 Matthias Kretz <kretz kde org>
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Stefan Westerfeld <stefan space twc de>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
#include "artscompressor.genidl.hh"

#include <bse/bsemath.h>
#include <string.h>

namespace Bse {
namespace Arts {
using namespace std;

 * constants
#define LN2                        (BSE_LN2)    /* ln(2) */
static const double MUG_CORR_FACT = 0.4;	/* makeup gain correction factor (from jamin-0.9.0 source)
						 * dampens the makeup gain correction to stop it over correcting */

class Compressor : public CompressorBase
   * engine module
  class Module : public SynthesisModule {
    /* state */
    double volume;
    /* params */
    double threshold, threshold_db;   /* threshold as normal and as dB value */
    double ratio;		      /* 0.5 for 2:1 compression */
    double output;		      /* linear factor */
    double attackfactor, releasefactor;
      volume = 0;
    config (CompressorProperties *params)
      threshold_db = params->threshold_db;
      threshold = comp_db2linear (threshold_db);
      ratio = 1 / params->ratio_to_one;
      output = comp_db2linear (params->output_db);
      /* compute half-life times: using max ensures that computing the attack- and releasefactor will
       *  (a) not result in division by zero
       *  (b) result in a value <= 1.0, where 1.0 means: adapt volume immediately, without half-life time
      attackfactor = LN2 / max (params->attack / 1000 * mix_freq(), LN2);
      releasefactor = LN2 / max (params->release / 1000 * mix_freq(), LN2);
    /* conversion doesn't test for linear == 0,
     * as the input (a volume) is guaranteed to be above threshold
    comp_linear2db (double linear)
      return 20 * log (linear) / log (10);
    comp_db2linear (double db)
      return exp (db / 20 * log (10));
    compress (double input_signal)
      double volume_db = comp_linear2db (volume);
      double output_signal = comp_db2linear ((volume_db - threshold_db) * ratio + threshold_db) / volume * input_signal * output;

      return output_signal;

    static const int CHANNEL_A1 = 1;
    static const int CHANNEL_A2 = 2;
    static const int CHANNELS_A1n_A2n = 0;
    static const int CHANNELS_A1y_A2n = CHANNEL_A1;
    static const int CHANNELS_A1n_A2y = CHANNEL_A2;
    static const int CHANNELS_A1y_A2y = CHANNEL_A1 + CHANNEL_A2;

    template<int channels> void
    process_loop (unsigned int samples)
      const float *invalue1 = istream (ICHANNEL_AUDIO_IN1).values;
      const float *invalue2 = istream (ICHANNEL_AUDIO_IN2).values;
      float *outvalue1 = ostream (OCHANNEL_AUDIO_OUT1).values;
      float *outvalue2 = ostream (OCHANNEL_AUDIO_OUT2).values;
      for( unsigned int i = 0; i < samples; i++ ) {
	double delta = 0.0;
	switch (channels)
	  case CHANNELS_A1n_A2n: delta = -volume;
	  case CHANNELS_A1y_A2n: delta = fabs (invalue1[i]) - volume;
	  case CHANNELS_A1n_A2y: delta = fabs (invalue2[i]) - volume;
	  case CHANNELS_A1y_A2y: delta = max (fabs (invalue1[i]), fabs (invalue2[i])) - volume;

	if( delta > 0.0 )
	  volume += attackfactor * delta;
	  volume += releasefactor * delta;
	if (volume > threshold)
	    if (channels & CHANNEL_A1)
	      outvalue1[i] = compress (invalue1[i]);
	    if (channels & CHANNEL_A2)
	      outvalue2[i] = compress (invalue2[i]);
	    if (channels & CHANNEL_A1)
	      outvalue1[i] = invalue1[i] * output;
	    if (channels & CHANNEL_A2)
	      outvalue2[i] = invalue2[i] * output;
    process (unsigned int n_values)
      if (istream (ICHANNEL_AUDIO_IN1).connected)
	  if (istream (ICHANNEL_AUDIO_IN2).connected)
	      process_loop <CHANNELS_A1y_A2y> (n_values);
	      process_loop <CHANNELS_A1y_A2n> (n_values);
	      ostream_set (OCHANNEL_AUDIO_OUT2, const_values (0));
	  if (istream (ICHANNEL_AUDIO_IN2).connected)
	      process_loop <CHANNELS_A1n_A2y> (n_values);
	      ostream_set (OCHANNEL_AUDIO_OUT1, const_values (0));
	      process_loop <CHANNELS_A1n_A2n> (n_values);
	      ostream_set (OCHANNEL_AUDIO_OUT1, const_values (0));
	      ostream_set (OCHANNEL_AUDIO_OUT2, const_values (0));
  property_changed (CompressorPropertyID prop_id)
    switch (prop_id)
      /* implement special handling of GUI properties */
      case PROP_AUTO_OUTPUT:
      case PROP_RATIO_TO_ONE:
      case PROP_OUTPUT_DB:
	if (auto_output)
	    /* keep CLAMP range in sync with .idl file */
	    output_db = CLAMP ((threshold_db / ratio_to_one - threshold_db) * MUG_CORR_FACT, -20.0, 20.0);
        notify ("output_db");
      /* compat properties */
      case PROP_RATIO:
        if (ratio > 0)
	  set ("ratio_to_one", 1 / ratio, NULL);
	  set ("ratio_to_one", 20.0, NULL); /* max ratio */
      case PROP_THRESHOLD:
	/* keep CLAMP range in sync with .idl file */
        set ("threshold_db", CLAMP (bse_db_from_factor (threshold, -100), -100.0, 0.0), NULL);
      case PROP_OUTPUT:
	/* keep CLAMP range in sync with .idl file */
        set ("output_db", CLAMP (bse_db_from_factor (output, -100), -20.0, 20.0), NULL);
      default: ;
    return false;
  editable_property (CompressorPropertyID prop_id,
                     GParamSpec          *)
    if (prop_id == PROP_OUTPUT_DB && auto_output)
      return false;

    return true;
  BSE_EFFECT_INTEGRATE_MODULE (Compressor, Module, CompressorProperties);


// printf ("input: %f dB (%f), output: %f dB (%f)\n", comp_linear2db (volume), volume, comp_linear2db (compress (volume)), compress (volume));

} // Arts
} // Bse

/* vim:set ts=8 sw=2 sts=2: */
/* ArtsCompressor - aRts Compressor Effect                        -*-mode: c++;-*-
 * Copyright (C) 2001 Matthias Kretz <kretz kde org>
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Stefan Westerfeld <stefan space twc de>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
#include <bse/bse.idl>

namespace Bse {
namespace Arts {

class Compressor : Effect {
  Info    icon       = "icons/compressor.png";
  Info    authors    = "Matthias Kretz, Stefan Westerfeld";
  Info    license    = _("GNU General Public License");
  Info    category   = _("/Enhance/ArtsCompressor");
  Info    blurb      = _("ArtsCompressor compresses the sound.\n\n"
                         "Compression is a dynamic operation that consists of two parts:\n"
			 "(1) the current input volume of the signal is detected\n"
			 "(2) if it exceeds a given theshold, the volume of the output signal will be reduced\n\n"
			 "The input volume detection has an attack and a release half-life time which can be specified - "
			 "in milliseconds - with the corresponding properties. This envelope causes the compressor to "
			 "adapt slowly to the actual input signal level.\n\n"
			 "The ratio specifies how the volume of a signal should be reduced, if it exceeds the threshold. "
			 "A compression ratio of 2:1 means for instance that if the input volume is 2 dB over the threshold, "
			 "the output volume will be 1 dB over the threshold. Example (threshold = -10, ratio 2:1):\n"
			 "input = -20 dB => output = -20 dB\n"
			 "input = -10 dB => output = -10 dB\n"
			 "input = 0 dB => output = -5 dB\n"
			 "input = 10 dB => output = 0 dB\n"
			 "input = 20 dB => output = 5 dB\n\n"
			 "Compression is often thought off as an operation to make music \"sound louder\". To achieve this, "
			 "the first step is to reduce the dynamic range like in the example above. As the loud parts of "
			 "the music have been reduced in volume, we can now amplify everything, without risking distortion or clipping. "
			 "This has the overall effect of the music sounding louder. In our example, an output "
			 "amplification of 5 dB would be okay, if the input signal never exceeded 0 dB.");
  IStream audio_in1  = (_("Audio In1"), _("Audio input 1"));
  IStream audio_in2  = (_("Audio In2"), _("Audio input 2"));
  OStream audio_out1 = (_("Audio Out1"), _("Compressed audio output 1"));
  OStream audio_out2 = (_("Audio Out2"), _("Compressed audio output 2"));

  group _("Parameters") {
    Real attack       = Real (_("Attack [ms]"), _("Set the attack time in milliseconds"), 10.0, 0.1, 250.0, 10.0, STANDARD ":scale");
    Real release      = Real (_("Release [ms]"), _("Set the release time in milliseconds"), 10.0, 0.1, 250.0, 10.0, STANDARD ":scale");
    Real threshold_db = Gain (_("Threshold [dB]"), _("Only parts louder than threshold are compressed"), 0, -100, 0, 1, STANDARD ":scale");
    Real ratio_to_one = Real (_("Ratio [x:1]"), _("Set the compression ratio to x:1"), 2, 1.0, 20.0, 1, STANDARD ":scale");
    Real output_db    = Gain (_("Output [dB]"), _("Set the output amplification"), 0, -20, 20, 1, STANDARD ":scale");
    Bool auto_output  = Bool (_("Auto Output"), _("Adjust the output amplification automatically according to threshold and ratio"), FALSE, GUI);
  group "compat" {    /* compatibility properties */
    Real threshold    = Real (NULL, NULL, 1, 0.00001, 1, 0.01, "w");
    Real ratio        = Real (NULL, NULL, 0.8, 0.0, 1.0, 0.1, "w");
    Real output       = Real (NULL, NULL, 1, 0.1, 10.0, 1, "w");

}; // Arts
}; // Bse

/* vim:set ts=8 sw=2 sts=2 syntax=cpp: */

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