Re: Fantasy III contest


On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 11:19:29AM +0100, Hanno Behrens wrote: 
> Das sieht gut aus. Der Text ist etwas schwierig vom Timing her. Das hat kein 
> Musiker geschrieben, sondern jemand, der von Rhythmus nicht so viel Ahnung 
> hat. Mal sehen, ob ich einen Weg da reinfinde.

Well in fact the text was written by a group of seven musicians. We choose a
topic randomly from a set of topics, and we also choose the length of the
verses from the set [5,12] randomly. Thus we had

Topic: the purpose of life

A12 Wer weiß, wohin des Schicksals Odem uns verweht.
B6  Das weiß der weise Wind.
B6  Keinen Ausweg ich find?.
A12 Macht, Ruhm, Reichtum, Feinde, Freunde - alles vergeht.
B6  Philosophen, Katastrophen - Neues entsteht.
B6  Ich vertrau' dir nicht blind. 

Each musician would only view the i18n("Reimwoerter") rhyme words of the
previous artist.

So musician 1 would write:

... verweht.

Musician 2 would write:

... verweht.
... Wind.

Now musician 3 would need to find a B6 line (6 syllables), which fits to
"Wind", so for instance

Klein wie ein klei - nes Kind.

would be a proper third line. A useful scheme for finding rhymes which I
used consists of first writing a mind map of the topic. Then, you can do
a spread-sheet like table:

| ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | Wind |
| Kei - nen | Aus - weg | ich | find |

But I know that its now the most easy text; we choose it by voting after
having created a few texts (some on "Sinn des Lebens" and some on "Faust").

I think this text was choosen because although its not so easy to handle
from a song writers perspective, it has a great sense of consistency and
progression throughout the song, although it was written semi-blind by
different artists, which is nice.

   Cu... Stefan
Stefan Westerfeld, Hamburg/Germany,

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