frequency calculator module / tunings

It would be useful to have the choise in this module which tuning-table should 
be used, like: normal (that is used for the whole synth) or any other.

Because some instruments behave really strange to tuning. For example the 
guitar. Maybe the frets are set in equal tuning but the strings in itself are 
tuned "quintenrein" means in just tuning. Most stringlike-instruments are 
tuned like that. 

So - if I play a chord on a guitar maybe on one string its all equal but the 
other strings are tuned in just the the first one. 

And thats quite important because our ear hears it quite clear: hey! Im not 
hearing the sound of a guitar, im just hearing a piano that makes sound like 
playing on a guitar string. Thats really a big difference. You played around 
a bit with tunings and should now have an impression what an other tuning is 
for a difference. Strange, but noone does it up to now.                                   

Clear what I mean?

So the freq-calculator should be able to switch the tuning tables but also has 
to bind on the default (which can change, if the whole tuning changes).

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