On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 9:59 AM, alvinkatojr <alvinkatojr gmail com> wrote:
Hi David,Thanks for your prompt and timely email. Honestly I am so happy to get this update. I was regretting the switch to Mac because I love banshee to the full.It seems the link to the irc channel is faulty. Could you give me the correct one?I have been following the repo to keep up to date with the changes, still can't tell if its possible to compile the required dependencies and get the build environment running. Either way am so excited to hear this and am very grateful that you and your team are working hard to make a great media player.Keep up!Kind regards,AlvinOn Fri, May 8, 2015 at 12:04 AM, David Nielsen [via Banshee Media Player] <[hidden email]> wrote:I am mentoring two GSoC students working on Banshee this summer. One of them, Stephen Sundermann, is working on making Banshee on OS X rock.Currently we are ensuring that the build environment is functional and up to date. We are focusing on creating a gtk3 based build, aiming at shipping Banshee 3.0. So presently we are in kind of a flux state.You can follow the progress here.https://github.com/stsundermann/bockbuild/tree/banshee in the Banshee branch.Essentially to get a build environment up and running you need to checkout that repo, go to the profiles/banshee directory and run ./darwin.py -bvr but it will likely fail to compile the required dependencies right now. Also the resulting Banshe build is based off master which is not in a releasable state right now.I hope that we can get the build environment sorted out in the coming days, progress today has been very promising. We are hanging out on #banshee on irc.gimp.net if you want to help out or just follow along.The other piece of good news is that Andres is my second student and he will be ensuring that Banshee 3.0 can finally be released.I apologize for the lack of communication but I forgot to inform the community in the excitement of getting this work off the ground.- DavidOn Thu, May 7, 2015 at 12:13 PM, alvinkatojr <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Timo Dorr,
Could we get some help with this issue of running Banshee on Mac? I moved
from linux to Mac and I can't stand any of the players on OS X.
Give us some instructions be it installing, compiling or running the code.
Am a geek like you and I can handle it. Let's help each other out.
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