Re: [Banshee-List] Banshee doesn't even start on mac (10.9.3)

2014-06-11 11:56 GMT+02:00 Steavis <stevensteavis hotmail com>:
Hi, I'm eager to start using Banshee on my imac on which I'm running OSX
10.9.3. The problem is Banshee doesn't even start. The Banshee icon comes
up, then disappears after a second. No matter how often I try to restart
Banshee it never even starts.

Hi, I've previously rolled the OS X releases for OS X up to 10.7.
Unfortunately, Apple decided that my Macbook from 2008 isn't worthy
for OS X higher than 10.7, so I have no machine to test and compile
for newer versions. From feedback I can tell that it should also run
on 10.8.x. No idea for higher OS X versions, though.


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