Re: [Banshee-List] Building Banshee -- ssh key setup for OS X?

On 03/11/12 19:01, Timo Dörr wrote:
P.S: That just reminded me to send a pull request to upstream banshee-bce :)

Timo, you're part of the b-c-e group in gitorious so I don't think you 
need to open pull requests, just commit/push straight away.

2012/11/3 Ruffin Bailey <rufwork gmail com>:
I left Banshee building overnight following the instructions for OS X
(, and woke up to some sort of
handshake error.  Here's the line where it borks.

git clone
"git gitorious org:~dynalon/banshee-community-extensions/banshee-community-extensions-macosx.git"
Cloning into banshee-community-extensions-master.git...
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

I did a little Googling and tried to set up a key, but apparently didn't do
it correctly.

Are there docs somewhere I should be following here, or some trick to the


Ruffin Bailey

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