[Banshee-List] BCE: Duplicate Song Detector - How does it work?

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Hi banshee folks and fans,

I'm currently cleaning up my music library and I noticed I have
several duplicates in it. So I discovered and wanted to try out the
Duplicate Song Detector from Banshee Community Extension.

It does computing several minutes and then shows me a list of files. I
can tick each file and say Remove or Delete the selecte files.
Unfortunately, I don't know, how to use this extension at all.

How does the algorithm detect two files as a duplicate? By common tags
or by matching sound profile?
Does each line in the hit list stand for a duplicate or are there
always two songs displayed?
Therefore: Should I delete all of them in the list or only one per

My question are some kind of confusing, but it shows, how complicated
this simple task is. I don't think, the extension gives me enough
information to safely delete duplicates.

Thank you though for this extension and all information!

Kind regards,
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