Re: [Banshee-List] Sync to Folder / plans for Dap on Mac OS X?

Am 16.09.2011, 15:05 Uhr, schrieb :
Having your work in BCE is great, better than nothing and a lot of users will appreciate it if it gets bundled/packaged as soon as possible. But the longer term solution is start merging your code with the Banshee.Osx.dll to make it work out of the box in Banshee.Core, like it does for other platforms.

I think I will go for the BCE approach, as its already functional even so i duplicated some code.

I just tried to build banshee on mac os (so far I developed within a linux virtualbox instance and just copied over the .dll into the mac app bundle) but bockbuild hit 2 errors which are 404 related when trying to fetch sources which are not available anymore (pixman 0.21.6 not available from and missing patch-child-test.c.diff for glib-2.28). So I guess bockbuild definetely needs some rework first and I've stopped building at that point.

Additionally I'v taken a look at the Banshee.Dap Code with monodevelop, and I think it's a major task to get it working with mac os x, but right now I do not have the time and experience in banshee/MacOS to take over this task.

I will clean the addin up a little, do more test and then eventually submit a code review / pull request to gitorious.

Timo Dörr

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