Re: [Banshee-List] Dbus and properties

Well for starters, dbus-glib is deprecated and you should use gdbus from glib itself. And I don't think that Banshee actually uses the org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties interface. If I'm not mistaken there is some mixup that occurs between ndesk-dbus and the real dbus where C# style properties get shown as dbus properties, but really they are methods. So CurrentTrack is a readonly a{sv} so you would call GetCurrentTrack () and it would return an a{sv}. For a property advertising itself as readwrite there would be an analagous Set[MethodName].

I just verified this by running
$ gdbus call -e -d org.bansheeproject.Banshee -o /org/bansheeproject/Banshee/PlayerEngine -m org.bansheeproject.Banshee.PlayerEngine.GetCurrentTrack

which printed
({'URI': <'file:///home/alex/Music/Amebix/Monolith/01.%20Monolith.mp3'>, 'local-path': <'/home/alex/Music/Amebix/Monolith/01. Monolith.mp3'>, 'mime-type': <'taglib/mp3'>, 'file-size': <int64 5543234>, 'artist': <'Amebix'>, 'album': <'Monolith'>, 'album-artist': <'Amebix'>, 'is-compilation': <false>, 'name': <'Monolith'>, 'artwork-id': <'album-a6a07a246647e8a6cc9967c73bd49187'>, 'genre': <'Crust'>, 'track-number': <1>, 'year': <1987>, 'score': <33>, 'bpm': <151>, 'bit-rate': <214>, 'sample-rate': <44100>, 'play-count': <3>, 'length': <207.0>, 'date-added': <int64 1293752830>, 'last-played': <int64 1298734754>, 'media-attributes': <'Default'>},)

Hope that helps.

--Alex Launi

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