Re: [Banshee-List] ubuntu 11.10, banshee - file system queue missing

On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 5:36 PM, d4b0 <d4b0b1 gmail com> wrote:
> By a mistake I have removed "file system queue" from Banshee and can not get
> it back. I have removed all configuration files related to Banshee,
> reinstalled the application, have tried other users accounts and still "file
> system queue" is not visible. It was there after fresh installation of
> Ubuntu 11.10.
> "file system queue" plugin is enabled.
> Does anyone know how to get it back?

The File System queue is only visible if there something in it. I
guess when you saw it before there was at least one track in it ?

To check that it's working properly, just run Banshee from a terminal
and pass as a parameter a music file that is not in your library :
banshee /path/to/some/music.mp3

The File System queue should then be visible and contain that track.

Bertrand Lorentz

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