Re: [Banshee-List] hans-moleman intrusion


On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 11:03 AM, Abuelo Paul <abuelo paul gmail com> wrote:
> Hello forum members, recently I have been having slow network connections,
> and using iftop found that a hans-moleman.w3 connection is intrusive with a
> lot of polling data.
> I later found using netstat that this is connecting via the banshee- 1
> socket.
> Does anyone know who and why this is intruding into my PC. I tried to block
> the IP address but it is using the banshee to slip thru.

I guess you mean that you see connections to ? And
are you sure to connection is coming in from outside, and not
initiated by your machine ?
Could you post the corresponding output of netstat (with your IP
address obscured if you wish) ?

>From what I found, the name seems to be an alias
for, the main website of the WWW consortium.

I was able to find a bug that seems related :

So here's my guess at what might be going on :
You have a podcast subscription that uses the URL of a web page
instead of the URL of a podcast feed. The podcast parser then tries to
resolve the HTML, which triggers HTTP queries to

To confirm this, you could disable the Podcast extension in Banshee,
(in Edit > Preferences > Extensions), and check if you still see
connections to

Bertrand Lorentz

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