Re: [Banshee-List] vote for banshee default in 11.04

On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 11:49 AM, <linux osfight de> wrote:
> I totally agree to all of the statements and encourage the whole Banshee
> team to keep going with the excellent work, but focus once more on bug
> fixing AND stable releases, as the current situation is close to being
> unbearable. I am using Banshee 1.8.0 (already released) and experience
> several minor bugs but also random crashes.
> I try to help and will post some bugs later on, which I can certainly
> add to launchpad if ppl confirm the existence.

Thank you for your feedback !
Please post those bugs directly on launchpad if you think they might
be Ubuntu-specific, or see if
you're fairly sure the problem is with Banshee itself.
Those bug trackers are the right places for bugs to be looked at,
tracked and confirmed.
Using this mailing-list for bug reports just makes things complicated
and confusing for everybody.

Bertrand Lorentz

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