Re: [Banshee-List] Banshee duplicating songs in library only.

I reported this bug here:
It's been fixed in git, either compile from git or wait for your
distributions packages to be updated. If you're running Ubuntu you can
use this ppa
It should have this fix in already.

On Fri, 2010-10-22 at 09:01 -0700, kdufresn wrote:
> HI, I am new to banshee, and like it other than this one quibble.
> When I import an album (into my 'Music' folder) in the .ogg format (haven't
> tried .mp3). I get 2 copies of the song showing in my library... the song
> itself is only in the folder once, but I get 2 references to each song in
> the library... one usually with a slightly shorter time than the real song. 
> To date, I have just manually deleted the duplicate records in the library
> with no ill effect, but this is annoying, and should not work that way IMHO.
> I did not find similar problems doing a cursory search on these forums, or
> through google.
> Thanks, Kevin

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