Re: [Banshee-List] Slightly improved MTP support

On Thu, 2010-07-01 at 17:48 +0200, David Nielsen wrote:
> I don't have data for openSUSE as their system isn't that easy to
> figure out but I am sure they also have a capable version, anyone who
> hasn't really should be encouraged to update.

openSUSE 11.1, the oldest currently still supported version (until the
end of this year), has got
so that is safe enough.

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TTTTTTTTTT  UU      UU    Eef Hartman, Linux Support Admin
    TT      UU      UU
    TT      UU      UU    Delft University of Technology
    TT      UU      UU    Dept. EWI/Computer Engineering
    TT      UU      UU    Mekelweg 4, room HB 15.050
    TT      UU      UU    2628 CD  Delft, The Netherlands
    TT       UU    UU     E-mail : E J M Hartman tudelft nl
    TT        UUUUUU      Phone  : +31-15-27 82525 (GSM 62525)

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