Re: [Banshee-List] banshee streaming mms

The problem has been the link address, change the "mms" to http:// as that is
what worked for me.

outlaw-4 wrote:
> Hello, 
> I'm not sure if this is directed correctly but I have a question with
> about banshee. Here is my dilema, I have only been using linux for about
> 2 months now and since day 1 I have been using banshee for all my
> multimedia needs. I mostly use it for streaming radio stations which one
> that I listen to most recently stopped working. I have 3 computers and
> their all set up the same with Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid and they were all
> working no problem out of the box with exception of some codecs,
> w32codec, gstreamer. as of about 6 days ago the radio station does not
> play anymore. I thought it was station but I have windows still on one
> computer dual booting and it works in there no problem. I have done
> re-install thinking something might of been conflicting. The wesite the
> stream comes from is and it is a mms stream
> mms:// . I have e-mailed the station to ask them
> if anything has changed but they say nothing has. not sure though. Just
> wondering if you might have an idea of what my problem might be. Thanks
> in advance and sorry if I have left out any needed info , as I said I'm
> fairly new to linux OS and not sure of exact info that might help.
> Thanks !
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