Re: [Banshee-List] Banshee problems with iPod, tags and playback


This is a know bug in Ubuntu due to a faulty library called podsleuth, the bug should be fixed soon. A workaround is to manually mount the ipod. So unmount it first and then mount it manually using a terminal

sudo unmount /dev/sdb1
sudo mkdir /media/ipod && sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/ipod

(I assume your Ipod is on /dev/sdb1, find out with sudo fdisk -l and check for W95 Fat32 file system)


This should work. Mark several tracks with CTRL + Mouse 1 and make a right click » Edit Track Information. Next to each field is a button with two overlapped pages: Type something into any field and press this button to overwrite this field for all the tracks you selected before.

Hope that helps!

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