Re: [Banshee-List] Proposal to move Banshee to libgpod

2010/2/26 "Andrés G. Aragoneses" <knocte gmail com>:

> I would advocate for this as long as a smooth transition is made. I
> mean, having both iPodSharp and libgpod working at the same time in some
> releases, making the latter work only if the former doesn't support the
> device. I would prefer this because, yes, iPodSharp&PodSleuth may not
> get support for new devices lately, however they do get bugfixes from
> time to time, and a lot of people who are already using their iPods with
> Banshee would prefer not to fall into regressions when moving to libgpod.
> How does that sound?
I wouldn't ride on two horses the same time, perhabs create two
extensions to manage the IPods, one with the new libgpod and the other
one with the old solution to turn of after some time, how to degrade
smoothly would be a problem to solve but after some releases ( e.g. 2)
I would turn off IPodSharp.

All the experienced user in forums, chat etc. can limit their effort
to support new users with their ipods to one lib. If their could be a
little test program by libgpod to show which IPods are detected there
could be a debug output for support. Then if the Ipod works in
Rythmbox it also works in banshee.

Looking forward to see this realised. I don't have much experience
with SWIG so I'm not sure if I can help with this enhancement.


E-Mail: samuel gyger at
Std. Nick: think!! or thinkabout

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