Re: [Banshee-List] anonymous usage data

On 2/14/2010 12:24, "Andrés G. Aragoneses" wrote:
And one more idea: collect asserts a-la Mozilla Talkback tool. For
instance, we normally don't want the application to crash when an
expectation from a developer wasn't met in some part of the code,
because it's bad user experience. However, if we don't crash, the user
won't report the bug straight away. But there's the best of both worlds:
using an automatic talkback tool, not only for crashes, but with asserts
that do not cause a crash (this new aspect wouldn't be covered by the
current capabilities of the MozillaTalkback tool AFAIK).

While its further getting away from the original subject, Mozilla's Talkback tool isn't exactly built for Mono. Crash Reporters for Mono end up being simpler (thanks to Mono/.NET having easy/direct access to the stack trace upon exceptions, for instance). It would be nice, though, for Mono-based apps to standardize on a usefully generic crash reporter. Certainly if Banshee were to take the lead, I'd imagine many others would follow.

Exception Reporter seems like a decent place to start:

On the other hand, its LGPL and it would probably be nice to have one in a less restrictive license. Also, for Mono apps you'd want a Gtk# UI.

One other wishlist item for a Mono "standard" crash reporter would be support for Ubuntu's apport:

There's even a Blueprint spec pointing out that better/generic Mono support for Apport would be nice:

(Although, I can't actually remember the last time I saw Banshee crash to the desktop, automatic exception reporting still sounds like a good idea to me.)

--Max Battcher--

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