Re: [Banshee-List] Auto-updating music library

2009/3/30 David Nielsen <gnomeuser gmail com>
I never quite understood the obsession with this specific feature. Personally I would consider the right solution to have an indexer like Beagle and then using Xesam to populate the library. This application specific file monitoring sounds like power waster to me, especially if more applications start doing it for their own purpose.

Could someone enlighten me as to why this is so popular?

I think your over-technicalifying it. The popular feature request is "Update my Library automatically". No one cares how it's done, they just want it done. Your implementation sounds great, assuming Beagle (or Tracker, I suppose) could do all of that, and certainly it would save a lot of redundant functionality built in to Banshee.

Almost all database-driven file-system-abstracting applications encounter this disparity between what's on the disk and what's in the app. Updating brings parity, automatic updating brings convenience. I think that's really all that lies behind it. (For me anyway.)

Andrew Conkling

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