Re: [Banshee-List] BUG-Embedded album art not loading on successive songs

Thanks Gilbert I will try that. Although I used Media Monkey to do mine with.
I will have to investigate how I actually can change the tagging to 2.3. But
DEFINITELY worth investigating. Thanks for the heads-up :)

gmendoza wrote:
> Hey there.  Just as an FYI... I too was having a significant number of
> challenges with embedded album art with what I thought was isolated to
> recent builds of Banshee.  The symtoms were very similar... audio
> plays fine... metadata appears to be read appropriately... but artwork
> would not extract.
> I found that there were some issues with all my tracks that I had
> religiously been converting to v2.4 UTF-8 tags (the default in
> EasyTag).  Simply converting back to 2.3 tags woudln't do it either.
> I had to strip all the tags, including the artwork... and re-add
> everything back as v2.3 tags.
> After doing that, all artwork has no trouble being extracted.  Can you
> give that a shot on a few of your MP3's and let us know?
> --
> Gilbert Mendoza
> PGP: 0x7403B303
> Email: gmendoza at
> On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 11:28 PM, dmbanshee<jodenmi yahoo com au> wrote:
>> I have tried the official repository for 1.5 but I am guessing as it is a
>> beta its not there yet. I always like to load form Synaptic if I can. The
>> issue is still there so I will just have to wait until 1.5 goes official
>> and
>> try again then. Thanks.
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