Re: [Banshee-List] BUG-Embedded album art not loading on successive songs

On Tue, 23 Jun 2009, dmbanshee wrote:

Well then what does all this mean ...."This forum is an archive for the
mailing list: Banshee-list gnome org (mailing list options). Messages posted
here will be sent to this mailing list.

The keyword is "archive." It's basically an html version of the mailing list.

dmbanshee wrote:

I am using version 1.4.3 and when I load songs into Banshee they all play
fine, but Banshee sometimes will not load the artwork form the new song,
it plays it okay just won't load the art. Other times it stays "stuck" on
the art form the first song in the list and won't change until about song
# 9 and even then only sometimes.

I believe album art has been improved in banshee 1.5. It's beta-grade software, but you can test to see if your problems have been resolved by downloading it at the following link.

If not, file a bug.


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