Re: [Banshee-List] Compilation - folder hyerarchy

This is being discussed in gnome bug 563403.
I'll attach my personal patch to get around this. It might be a bit
hacky and maybe should be done better but it accomplishes what I want.

On Thu, 2009-01-22 at 23:36 -0800, chaghaboo wrote:
> Banshee is better then ever and thus became my default and only
> player, but I have one problem to sort out. I filled track and album
> info for compilation albums according to user guide and it's great. In
> Banshee's library I get nicely listed compilation albums instead of
> individual artists within compilation. I'm sending you "banshee
> compilation" screenshot so you can see if everything is filled
> correctly.  File system organization for album within Banshee
> preferences I set to "Album - Artist". But now I have a problem with
> album folders on my hard drive. Instead of having one folder for one
> compilation album with various artist within I get separate folder for
> each artist of that compilation with one song within it. For example
> instead of having "Blade II: The Soundtrack" folder with all artists
> within I get folder for each artist, for example folder is: "Blade II:
> The Soundtrack - Mos Deff and Massive Attack" and as many folders,
> like that one, as there are artists on that compilation. I'm sending
> you also "file system organization" screenshot to see if I made some
> mistake there.  I probably can solve problem if I would in folder
> hierarchy choose only "Album" but I want to have folders in Artist -
> Album syntax. Thanks 
> ______________________________________________________________________
> View this message in context: Compilation - folder hyerarchy
> Sent from the Banshee mailing list archive at
> _______________________________________________
> banshee-list mailing list
> banshee-list gnome org
diff -ur src.orig/Core/Banshee.Core/Banshee.Base/FileNamePattern.cs src/Core/Banshee.Core/Banshee.Base/FileNamePattern.cs
--- src.orig/Core/Banshee.Core/Banshee.Base/FileNamePattern.cs	2008-08-04 14:50:36.000000000 -0300
+++ src/Core/Banshee.Core/Banshee.Base/FileNamePattern.cs	2008-12-13 18:15:53.000000000 -0400
@@ -88,6 +88,12 @@
                 delegate (ITrackInfo t, object r) {
                     return Escape (t == null ? (string)r : t.DisplayArtistName);
+            AddConversion ("album_artist", Catalog.GetString ("Album Artist"),
+                delegate (ITrackInfo t, object r) {
+                    TrackInfo ti = t as TrackInfo;
+                    return Escape (ti == null ? (string)r : ti.AlbumArtist);
+            });
             AddConversion ("genre", Catalog.GetString ("Genre"),  
                 delegate (ITrackInfo t, object r) {
@@ -98,6 +104,12 @@
                 delegate (ITrackInfo t, object r) {
                     return Escape (t == null ? (string)r : t.DisplayAlbumTitle);
+            AddConversion ("disc", Catalog.GetString ("Disc"),
+                delegate (ITrackInfo t, object r) {
+                    TrackInfo ti = t as TrackInfo;
+                    return String.Format ("{0}", t == null ? (int)r : ti.DiscNumber);
+            });
             AddConversion ("title", Catalog.GetString ("Title"),  
                 delegate (ITrackInfo t, object r) {
@@ -140,11 +152,11 @@
         public static string DefaultFolder {
-            get { return "%artist%%path_sep%%album%"; }
+            get { return "%album_artist%%path_sep%(%year%) %album%"; }
         public static string DefaultFile {
-            get { return "%track_number%. %title%"; }
+            get { return "%disc%-%track_number% %title%"; }
         public static string DefaultPattern {
@@ -153,6 +165,7 @@
         private static string [] suggested_folders = new string [] {
+            "%artist%%path_sep%%album%",
             "%artist%%path_sep%%artist% - %album%",
             "%artist%%path_sep%%album% (%year%)",
             "%artist% - %album%",
@@ -166,6 +179,7 @@
         private static string [] suggested_files = new string [] {
+            "%track_number%. %title%",
             "%track_number%. %artist% - %title%",
             "%artist% - %title%",
             "%artist% - %track_number% - %title%",

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