Re: [Banshee-List] Modify seek bar to react to mouse clicks and mouse wheel (#565795)

On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 10:01 AM, Jud Craft <craftjml gmail com> wrote:
The default "left-click to
fast-forward" thus feels a little unintuitive as a result.  I actually
didn't know about the middle-click trick; is there a tooltip to
communicate that?

No, but it's not a Banshee thing; that's a GTK+ default for a progress bar control/widget.
A symptom of trying to cram too much functionality (seeking, and
fast-forward/rewind) in one control.  When I realized that Banshee's
track bar behaved as a progress bar, I thought:  "A seek bar that
doesn't behave like any seek bar I've ever seen.  That's weird."  It
does feel a little strange, no doubt.

Totally agreed, but I don't think anyone on the Banshee team should spend any time making this behave differently than GTK+'s progress bar, just for the sake of consistency. (To be fair, they've done good work with their custom TreeView, so....)

That said, I completely agree, and would wholeheartedly support some GTK+ upstream work to make this control/widget behave more usefully and intuitively.
Andrew Conkling

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