On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 1:17 AM, Jason Trickett <
jstrickett cogeco ca> wrote:
> On Sat, 2009-12-12 at 18:02 +0000, Mathijs Dumon wrote:
> I have just released version 0.2.4 on the road towards v0.3. I have also
> bundled the compiled dll's for this release.
> Most important changes since last time I mailed this list are:
> - true fullscreen, this (sadly) results in an extra dependency for the
> NowPlaying extension, but most should have this enabled anyway
> - initial steps towards threaded fetching of cover art, full blown threading
> expected in next release (v0.2.5)
> - some settings like texture size and actor size can now be set in the
> Preferences dialog (under the Source-specific tab)
> - modified & optimized animation code:
> �� - when the user scrolls way beyond the current cover:
> ����� - the central point shifts and one side compresses, the other one
> expands slightly
> ����� - the rotation of the covers at the sides is skewed
> �� - size of animation loops is reduced to a maximum of twice the number of
> visible covers
> You can grab your download here:
> Have fun!
> Mathijs
> Looks nice. One question: where do i install the binaries?