2008/9/17 Aaron Bockover
<abockover novell com>
Hi All,
I've been working on the new track editor for quite some time. I turned the new one on by default shortly after we released 1.3.0 last week. I just committed the support to actually save tracks. This means the new editor should be fully usable (or at least functional) and I'm looking for people to test it and provide feedback.
There are still a few unimplemented features, namely auto-ordering of track and disc indexes and counts. Those will land soon. I'd appreciate general input into the design and usability of the dialog, general defects/bugs, and ideas for enhancements.
Speaking of enhancements - the new editor is extensible. Extensions can easily add new pages to the editor. This is a hint for those of you looking to develop new features!
The new editor lives in the Banshee.Gui.TrackEditor namespace, in the ThickClient assembly [1]. Implementing ITrackEditorPage and adding the necessary blurb to an extension addin manifest [2] will do the trick. All of the pages you see in the editor are implemented in this way.
Overall I like it, however one feature of the old editot was that I could put it "always on top" and then edit my track information while comparing it to wikipedia e.g. now with the new one when I set the editor window "Always on top" it puts all of banshee that way and thus I can no longer easily correct my typing.
- David