Re: [Banshee-List] Major performance issue with 1.2.1

need to run sqlite3 --version

On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 2:18 PM, Romuald TISSERAND <softromu hotmail com> wrote:
> Mono.Data.SsqlLiteclient is
> sqllite -version -> 2.8.17
> Thanks for the help.
> romu
> ----------------------------------------
>> Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 09:51:15 -0500
>> From: gabriel burt gmail com
>> To: banshee-list gnome org
>> Subject: Re: [Banshee-List] Major performance issue with 1.2.1
>> I would guess a bad version of sqlite?  What version are you using?
>> 2008/9/24 Yoann Verminck :
>>> Hello all,
>>> I do have the same problem on one of my systems : P4, 2.4Ghz
>>> (Hyperthreading), 1024 Mo RAM.
>>> Maybe something related to the Hyperthreading capabiliites of the processor?
>>> I think I remember 0.13 version running fine.
>>> Yoann
>>> 2008/9/23 Hyperair
>>>> Romuald TISSERAND wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I finally filled my Banshee library with around 1500 music tracks and
>>>>> I'm facing some major performance issue.
>>>>> I'm running Ubuntu Hardy with Banshee 1.2.1 from the PPA on a Macbook
>>>>> Pro with 2 GB of memory and a Core 2 Duo at 2,16 GHz.
>>>>> When I talk about performance issue, this means:
>>>>> - the CPU is always loaded between 65 and 100% while Banshee is running,
>>>>> mostly 100% indeed
>>>>> - The GUI is all but responsive, for instance, I display the browser, I
>>>>> click on an Artist and I have to wait for about 20s to be able to "play"
>>>>> with the GUI again. Or the Banshee is playing a track while showing
>>>>> another track as played.
>>>>> I don't really know how to investigate, but if I can help, don't
>>>>> hesitate to guide me.
>>>>> romu
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>>>> The problem isn't related to the size of the library IMO. Mine's at 5708
>>>> and I'm experiencing no
>>>> such problem.
>>>> Running trunk on Ubuntu Hardy on Lenovo Y410 (2.0GHz Core 2 Duo, 2GB RAM).
>>>> 1.2.1 didn't have this
>>>> issue on this system either. Nor did it have on a 2.66GHz P4, 1.2GB RAM
>>>> system.
>>>> Could you wipe your configuration folder and try reimporting your library?
>>>> (it's at
>>>> ~/.config/banshee-1).
>>>> --
>>>> Hyperair
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