[Banshee-List] Bug report 2-Banshee crashes with "An unhandled exception was thrown: SQL logic error or missing database"

Here is the output from running banshee-1 in terminal with sql-lite
:~$ banshee-1 --debug-sql
[Info  10:14:23.369] Running Banshee 1.4.1
[Debug 10:14:27.349] Bus.Session.RequestName ('org.bansheeproject.Banshee')
replied with PrimaryOwner
[Debug 10:14:27.377] Core service started (DBusServiceManager, 0.006534s)
[Debug 10:14:27.424] Registering remote object
(Banshee.ServiceStack.DBusCommandService) on org.bansheeproject.Banshee
[Debug 10:14:27.486] Core service started (DBusCommandService, 0.072372s)
[Debug 10:14:27.687] Opened SQLite connection to
[Debug 10:14:27.688] Core service started (DbConnection, 0.200996s)
[Debug 10:14:27.696] Executed in 1ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='CoreConfiguration'
[Debug 10:14:27.703] Executed in 0ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_temp_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='CoreConfiguration'
[Debug 10:14:27.704] Executed in 0ms BEGIN
[Debug 10:14:27.707] Executed in 1ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='CoreConfiguration'
[Debug 10:14:27.708] Executed in 1ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_temp_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='CoreConfiguration'
[Debug 10:14:27.708] Migrating from database version 0 to 22
[Debug 10:14:27.709] Executed in 0ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='CoreConfiguration'
[Debug 10:14:27.752] Executed in 1ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_temp_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='CoreConfiguration'
[Debug 10:14:27.760] Executed in 0ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='Tracks'
[Debug 10:14:27.761] Executed in 0ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_temp_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='Tracks'
[Debug 10:14:27.763] Executed in 0ms DROP TABLE IF EXISTS CoreConfiguration
[Debug 10:14:27.764] Executed in 0ms DROP TABLE IF EXISTS CoreTracks
[Debug 10:14:27.764] Executed in 0ms DROP TABLE IF EXISTS CoreArtists
[Debug 10:14:27.765] Executed in 0ms DROP TABLE IF EXISTS CoreAlbums
[Debug 10:14:27.766] Executed in 0ms DROP TABLE IF EXISTS CorePlaylists
[Debug 10:14:27.766] Executed in 0ms DROP TABLE IF EXISTS
[Debug 10:14:27.767] Executed in 1ms DROP TABLE IF EXISTS CoreSmartPlaylists
[Debug 10:14:27.767] Executed in 0ms DROP TABLE IF EXISTS
[Debug 10:14:27.768] Executed in 1ms DROP TABLE IF EXISTS CoreRemovedTracks
[Debug 10:14:27.768] Executed in 0ms DROP TABLE IF EXISTS CoreTracksCache
[Debug 10:14:27.769] Executed in 0ms DROP TABLE IF EXISTS CoreCache
[Debug 10:14:27.776] Executed in 7ms 
                CREATE TABLE CoreConfiguration (
                    EntryID             INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                    Key                 TEXT,
                    Value               TEXT
[Debug 10:14:27.777] Executed in 0ms INSERT INTO CoreConfiguration VALUES
(null, 'DatabaseVersion', 22)
[Debug 10:14:27.778] Executed in 1ms INSERT INTO CoreConfiguration VALUES
(null, 'MetadataVersion', 4)
[Debug 10:14:27.779] Executed in 1ms 
                CREATE TABLE CorePrimarySources (
                    PrimarySourceID     INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                    StringID            TEXT UNIQUE,
                    CachedCount         INTEGER,
                    IsTemporary         INTEGER DEFAULT 0
[Debug 10:14:27.813] Executed in 1ms INSERT INTO CorePrimarySources
(StringID) VALUES ('MusicLibrarySource-Library')
[Debug 10:14:27.849] Executed in 1ms 
                CREATE TABLE CoreTracks (
                    PrimarySourceID     INTEGER NOT NULL,
                    TrackID             INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                    ArtistID            INTEGER,
                    AlbumID             INTEGER,
                    TagSetID            INTEGER,
                    ExternalID          INTEGER,
                    MusicBrainzID       TEXT,

                    Uri                 TEXT,
                    UriType             INTEGER,
                    MimeType            TEXT,
                    FileSize            INTEGER,
                    BitRate             INTEGER,
                    Attributes          INTEGER DEFAULT 5,
                    LastStreamError     INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
                    Title               TEXT,
                    TitleLowered        TEXT,
                    TrackNumber         INTEGER,
                    TrackCount          INTEGER,
                    Disc                INTEGER,
                    DiscCount           INTEGER,
                    Duration            INTEGER,
                    Year                INTEGER,
                    Genre               TEXT,
                    Composer            TEXT,
                    Conductor           TEXT,
                    Grouping            TEXT,
                    Copyright           TEXT,
                    LicenseUri          TEXT,

                    Comment             TEXT,
                    Rating              INTEGER,
                    PlayCount           INTEGER,
                    SkipCount           INTEGER,
                    LastPlayedStamp     INTEGER,
                    LastSkippedStamp    INTEGER,
                    DateAddedStamp      INTEGER,
                    DateUpdatedStamp    INTEGER,
                    MetadataHash        TEXT,
                    BPM                 INTEGER,
                    LastSyncedStamp     INTEGER,
                    FileModifiedStamp   INTEGER
[Debug 10:14:27.850] Executed in 1ms CREATE INDEX
CoreTracksPrimarySourceIndex ON CoreTracks(ArtistID, AlbumID,
PrimarySourceID, Disc, TrackNumber, Uri)
[Debug 10:14:27.851] Executed in 1ms CREATE INDEX CoreTracksAggregatesIndex
ON CoreTracks(FileSize, Duration)
[Debug 10:14:27.852] Executed in 1ms CREATE INDEX CoreTracksExternalIDIndex
ON CoreTracks(PrimarySourceID, ExternalID)
[Debug 10:14:27.853] Executed in 1ms CREATE INDEX CoreTracksUriIndex ON
CoreTracks(PrimarySourceID, Uri)
[Debug 10:14:27.854] Executed in 1ms CREATE INDEX CoreTracksCoverArtIndex ON
CoreTracks (PrimarySourceID, AlbumID, DateUpdatedStamp)
[Debug 10:14:27.855] Executed in 1ms 
                CREATE TABLE CoreAlbums (
                    AlbumID             INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                    ArtistID            INTEGER,
                    TagSetID            INTEGER,
                    MusicBrainzID       TEXT,

                    Title               TEXT,
                    TitleLowered        TEXT,

                    ReleaseDate         INTEGER,
                    Duration            INTEGER,
                    Year                INTEGER,
                    IsCompilation       INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
                    ArtistName          TEXT,
                    ArtistNameLowered   TEXT,
                    Rating              INTEGER
[Debug 10:14:27.856] Executed in 1ms CREATE INDEX CoreAlbumsIndex       ON
CoreAlbums(ArtistID, TitleLowered)
[Debug 10:14:27.857] Executed in 1ms CREATE INDEX CoreAlbumsArtistIndex      
ON CoreAlbums(TitleLowered, ArtistNameLowered)
[Debug 10:14:27.858] Executed in 1ms 
                CREATE TABLE CoreArtists (
                    ArtistID            INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                    TagSetID            INTEGER,
                    MusicBrainzID       TEXT,
                    Name                TEXT,
                    NameLowered         TEXT,
                    Rating              INTEGER
[Debug 10:14:27.871] Executed in 1ms CREATE INDEX CoreArtistsIndex ON
[Debug 10:14:27.874] Executed in 1ms 
                CREATE TABLE CorePlaylists (
                    PrimarySourceID     INTEGER,
                    PlaylistID          INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                    Name                TEXT,
                    SortColumn          INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT -1,
                    SortType            INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
                    Special             INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
                    CachedCount         INTEGER,
                    IsTemporary         INTEGER DEFAULT 0
[Debug 10:14:27.905] Executed in 1ms 
                CREATE TABLE CorePlaylistEntries (
                    EntryID             INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                    PlaylistID          INTEGER NOT NULL,
                    TrackID             INTEGER NOT NULL,
                    ViewOrder           INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
[Debug 10:14:27.914] Executed in 1ms CREATE INDEX CorePlaylistEntriesIndex
ON CorePlaylistEntries(PlaylistID, TrackID)
[Debug 10:14:27.915] Executed in 1ms 
                CREATE TABLE CoreSmartPlaylists (
                    PrimarySourceID     INTEGER,
                    SmartPlaylistID     INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                    Name                TEXT NOT NULL,
                    Condition           TEXT,
                    OrderBy             TEXT,
                    LimitNumber         TEXT,
                    LimitCriterion      TEXT,
                    CachedCount         INTEGER,
                    IsTemporary         INTEGER DEFAULT 0
[Debug 10:14:27.916] Executed in 0ms 
                CREATE TABLE CoreSmartPlaylistEntries (
                    EntryID             INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                    SmartPlaylistID     INTEGER NOT NULL,
                    TrackID             INTEGER NOT NULL
[Debug 10:14:27.917] Executed in 0ms CREATE INDEX
CoreSmartPlaylistEntriesPlaylistIndex ON
CoreSmartPlaylistEntries(SmartPlaylistID, TrackID)
[Debug 10:14:27.918] Executed in 0ms 
                CREATE TABLE CoreRemovedTracks (
                    TrackID             INTEGER NOT NULL,
                    Uri                 TEXT,
                    DateRemovedStamp    INTEGER
[Debug 10:14:27.922] Executed in 1ms 
                CREATE TABLE CoreCacheModels (
                    CacheID             INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                    ModelID             TEXT
[Debug 10:14:27.923] Executed in 0ms UPDATE CoreConfiguration SET Value = 22
WHERE Key = 'DatabaseVersion'
[Debug 10:14:27.971] Executed in 47ms COMMIT
[Debug 10:14:27.972] Executed in 1ms SELECT Value FROM CoreConfiguration
WHERE Key = 'MetadataVersion'
[Debug 10:14:27.990] Executed in 1ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='CoreConfiguration'
[Debug 10:14:27.991] Executed in 1ms SELECT Value FROM CoreConfiguration
WHERE Key = 'DatabaseVersion'
[Debug 10:14:28.105] Core service started (PreferenceService, 0.109581s)
[Debug 10:14:28.111] Registering remote object
/org/bansheeproject/Banshee/SourceManager (Banshee.Sources.SourceManager) on
[Debug 10:14:28.111] Core service started (SourceManager, 0.005633s)
[Debug 10:14:28.820] Core service started (MediaProfileManager, 0.70813s)
[Debug 10:14:28.826] Registering remote object
(Banshee.MediaEngine.PlayerEngineService) on org.bansheeproject.Banshee
[Debug 10:14:28.836] Core service started (PlayerEngine, 0.009425s)
[Debug 10:14:28.894] Configuration client extension loaded
[Debug 10:14:29.086] IO provider extension loaded (Banshee.IO.Unix.Provider)
[Debug 10:14:29.185] Core service started (TranscoderService, 0.110443s)
[Debug 10:14:29.192] Registering remote object
(Banshee.PlaybackController.PlaybackControllerService) on
[Debug 10:14:29.200] Core service started (PlaybackController, 0.007913s)
[Debug 10:14:29.202] Core service started (ImportSourceManager, 0.001705s)
[Debug 10:14:29.261] Core service started (LibraryImportManager, 0.057946s)
[Debug 10:14:29.263] Core service started (UserJobManager, 0.001949s)
[Debug 10:14:29.347] Core service started (HardwareManager, 0.082388s)
[Debug 10:14:29.366] Bus.Session.RequestName
('org.bansheeproject.CollectionIndexer') replied with PrimaryOwner
[Debug 10:14:29.371] Registering remote object
(Banshee.Collection.Indexer.CollectionIndexerService) on
[Debug 10:14:29.374] Core service started (CollectionIndexerService,
[Debug 10:14:29.475] Adding icon theme search path:
[Debug 10:14:29.477] Core service started (GtkElementsService, 0.103122s)
[Debug 10:14:29.713] Core service started (InterfaceActionService,
[Debug 10:14:29.737] Album artwork path set to
[Debug 10:14:29.739] Core service started (ArtworkManager, 0.025336s)
[Debug 10:14:32.085] Registering remote object
/org/bansheeproject/Banshee/ClientWindow (Nereid.PlayerInterface) on
[Debug 10:14:32.086] Core service started (NereidPlayerInterface, 2.301521s)
[Debug 10:14:32.300] Extension service started (AudioCdService, 0.211512s)
[Debug 10:14:32.306] Extension service started (DaapService, 0.0032s)
[Debug 10:14:32.309] Extension service started (DapService, 0.00313s)
[Debug 10:14:32.368] Using GNOME 2.22 API for Multimedia Keys
[Debug 10:14:32.368] Extension service started (MultimediaKeysService,
[Debug 10:14:32.375] Executed in 0ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='Bookmarks'
[Debug 10:14:32.445] Executed in 1ms SELECT BookmarkID, TrackID, Position,
CreatedAt FROM Bookmarks
[Debug 10:14:32.447] Extension service started (BookmarksService, 0.078571s)
[Debug 10:14:32.879] Extension service started (NotificationAreaService,
[Debug 10:14:33.082] Extension service started (LastfmRecommendationService,
[Debug 10:14:33.181] Core service started (Network, 0.020231s)
[Debug 10:14:33.182] Audioscrobbler state: connected
[Debug 10:14:33.198] Extension service started (AudioscrobblerService,
[Debug 10:14:33.245] Extension service started (GnomeService, 0.045662s)
[Debug 10:14:33.427] Executed in 1ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='HyenaModelVersions'
[Debug 10:14:33.429] Executed in 1ms SELECT version FROM HyenaModelVersions
WHERE name='PodcastSyndications'
[Debug 10:14:33.431] Executed in 1ms SELECT version FROM HyenaModelVersions
WHERE name='hyena_database_master'
[Debug 10:14:33.436] Executed in 0ms SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE
[Debug 10:14:33.459] Executed in 1ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='HyenaModelVersions'
[Debug 10:14:33.485] Executed in 1ms SELECT version FROM HyenaModelVersions
WHERE name='PodcastItems'
[Debug 10:14:33.486] Executed in 0ms SELECT version FROM HyenaModelVersions
WHERE name='hyena_database_master'
[Debug 10:14:33.489] Executed in 0ms SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE
[Debug 10:14:33.490] Executed in 0ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master
WHERE Type='index' AND Name='PodcastItemsFeedIDIndex'
[Debug 10:14:33.491] Executed in 0ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master
WHERE Type='index' AND Name='PodcastItemsGuidIndex'
[Debug 10:14:33.492] Executed in 0ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master
WHERE Type='index' AND Name='PodcastItemIsReadIndex'
[Debug 10:14:33.505] Executed in 1ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='HyenaModelVersions'
[Debug 10:14:33.506] Executed in 0ms SELECT version FROM HyenaModelVersions
WHERE name='PodcastEnclosures'
[Debug 10:14:33.507] Executed in 0ms SELECT version FROM HyenaModelVersions
WHERE name='hyena_database_master'
[Debug 10:14:33.511] Executed in 1ms SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE
[Debug 10:14:33.512] Executed in 1ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master
WHERE Type='index' AND Name='PodcastEnclosuresItemIDIndex'
[Debug 10:14:33.603] Executed in 1ms SELECT Value FROM CoreConfiguration
WHERE Key='CoreTracks.ModelVersion'
[Debug 10:14:33.605] Executed in 0ms SELECT EntryID FROM CoreConfiguration
WHERE Key='CoreTracks.ModelVersion'
[Debug 10:14:33.607] Executed in 1ms INSERT INTO CoreConfiguration VALUES
(NULL, 'CoreTracks.ModelVersion', '1')
[Debug 10:14:33.608] Executed in 0ms SELECT Value FROM CoreConfiguration
WHERE Key='Database.Version'
[Debug 10:14:33.609] Executed in 1ms SELECT EntryID FROM CoreConfiguration
WHERE Key='Database.Version'
[Debug 10:14:33.610] Executed in 1ms INSERT INTO CoreConfiguration VALUES
(NULL, 'Database.Version', '1')
[Debug 10:14:33.613] Executed in 1ms SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE
[Debug 10:14:33.660] Executed in 0ms SELECT PrimarySourceID FROM
CorePrimarySources WHERE StringID = 'PodcastSource-PodcastLibrary'
[Debug 10:14:33.662] Executed in 1ms INSERT INTO CorePrimarySources
(StringID) VALUES ('PodcastSource-PodcastLibrary')
[Debug 10:14:33.682] Executed in 1ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='CoreCache'
[Debug 10:14:33.683] Executed in 1ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_temp_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='CoreCache'
[Debug 10:14:33.684] Executed in 1ms 
                    CREATE TEMP TABLE CoreCache (
                        OrderID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                        ModelID INTEGER,
                        ItemID INTEGER)
[Debug 10:14:33.686] Executed in 1ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='CoreCacheModels'
[Debug 10:14:33.689] Executed in 0ms SELECT CacheID FROM CoreCacheModels
WHERE ModelID = 'PodcastFeeds-PodcastSource-PodcastLibrary-Feed'
[Debug 10:14:33.722] Executed in 0ms INSERT INTO CoreCacheModels (ModelID)
VALUES ('PodcastFeeds-PodcastSource-PodcastLibrary-Feed')
[Debug 10:14:33.723] Executed in 1ms SELECT CacheID FROM CoreCacheModels
WHERE ModelID = 'PodcastFeeds-PodcastSource-PodcastLibrary-Feed-Selection'
[Debug 10:14:33.724] Executed in 1ms INSERT INTO CoreCacheModels (ModelID)
VALUES ('PodcastFeeds-PodcastSource-PodcastLibrary-Feed-Selection')
[Debug 10:14:33.791] Executed in 0ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='CoreCache'
[Debug 10:14:33.792] Executed in 0ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_temp_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='CoreCache'
[Debug 10:14:33.794] Executed in 1ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='CoreCacheModels'
[Debug 10:14:33.796] Executed in 0ms SELECT CacheID FROM CoreCacheModels
WHERE ModelID = 'PodcastSource-PodcastLibrary-DatabaseTrackInfo'
[Debug 10:14:33.797] Executed in 0ms INSERT INTO CoreCacheModels (ModelID)
VALUES ('PodcastSource-PodcastLibrary-DatabaseTrackInfo')
[Debug 10:14:33.799] Executed in 1ms SELECT CacheID FROM CoreCacheModels
WHERE ModelID = 'PodcastSource-PodcastLibrary-DatabaseTrackInfo-Selection'
[Debug 10:14:33.800] Executed in 1ms INSERT INTO CoreCacheModels (ModelID)
VALUES ('PodcastSource-PodcastLibrary-DatabaseTrackInfo-Selection')
[Debug 10:14:33.859] Executed in 0ms 
                    BEGIN TRANSACTION;
                        DELETE FROM CorePlaylistEntries WHERE PlaylistID IN
(SELECT PlaylistID FROM CorePlaylists WHERE IsTemporary = 1);
                        DELETE FROM CorePlaylists WHERE IsTemporary = 1;
                    COMMIT TRANSACTION
[Debug 10:14:33.861] Executed in 1ms SELECT PlaylistID, Name, SortColumn,
SortType, PrimarySourceID, CachedCount, IsTemporary FROM CorePlaylists 
                    WHERE Special = 0 AND PrimarySourceID = 2
[Debug 10:14:33.867] Executed in 0ms SELECT Value FROM CoreConfiguration
WHERE Key = 'SmartPlaylistVersion'
[Debug 10:14:33.885] Exception executing command: BEGIN
[Debug 10:14:33.886] Executed in 0ms ROLLBACK
[Error 10:14:33.922] Unable to Migrate Smart Playlists - Please file a bug
with this error: Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteExecutionException: SQL logic
error or missing database
  at Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteCommand.ExecuteStatement (IntPtr pStmt,
System.Int32& cols, System.IntPtr& pazValue, System.IntPtr& pazColName)
  at Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteCommand.ExecuteStatement (IntPtr pStmt)
  at Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteCommand.ExecuteReader (CommandBehavior
behavior, Boolean want_results, System.Int32& rows_affected) [0x00000] 
  at Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery () [0x00000] 
  at Hyena.Data.Sqlite.HyenaSqliteCommand.Execute
(Hyena.Data.Sqlite.HyenaSqliteConnection hconnection,
Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteConnection connection) [0x00000] 
[Debug 10:14:33.927] Executed in 0ms 
                    BEGIN TRANSACTION;
                        DELETE FROM CoreSmartPlaylistEntries WHERE
SmartPlaylistID IN (SELECT SmartPlaylistID FROM CoreSmartPlaylists WHERE
IsTemporary = 1);
                        DELETE FROM CoreSmartPlaylists WHERE IsTemporary =
                    COMMIT TRANSACTION
[Debug 10:14:33.929] Executed in 1ms SELECT SmartPlaylistID, Name,
Condition, OrderBy, LimitNumber, LimitCriterion, PrimarySourceID,
CachedCount, IsTemporary
                    FROM CoreSmartPlaylists WHERE PrimarySourceID = 2
[Debug 10:14:33.931] Executed in 1ms SELECT Value FROM CoreConfiguration
WHERE Key='HaveCreatedSmartPlaylists.PodcastSource-PodcastLibrary'
[Debug 10:14:34.201] Extension service started (PodcastService, 0.954306s)
[Debug 10:14:35.567] GStreamer pipeline does not run: audioconvert ! xingenc
bitrate=128 ! id3v2mux
[Debug 10:14:36.022] GStreamer pipeline does not run: audioconvert !
fluwmaenc bitrate=64000 vbr=false ! fluasfmux
[Debug 10:14:36.023] Extension service started (GStreamerCoreService,
[Debug 10:14:36.117] (libbanshee:player) Using built-in equalizer element
[Debug 10:14:36.221] Player state change: NotReady -> Ready
[Debug 10:14:36.285] Player state change: Ready -> Idle
[Debug 10:14:36.302] (libbanshee:player) Disabled ReplayGain
[Debug 10:14:36.309] Executed in 0ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='CoverArtDownloads'
[Debug 10:14:36.310] Executed in 1ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_temp_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='CoverArtDownloads'
[Debug 10:14:36.312] Executed in 1ms 
                    CREATE TABLE CoverArtDownloads (
                        AlbumID     INTEGER UNIQUE,
                        Downloaded  BOOLEAN,
                        LastAttempt INTEGER NOT NULL
[Debug 10:14:36.313] Extension service started (CoverArtService, 0.009365s)
[Info  10:14:36.351] All services are started 8.963026s
[Debug 10:14:36.382] Executed in 0ms SELECT Value FROM CoreConfiguration
WHERE Key='CoreArtists.ModelVersion'
[Debug 10:14:36.409] Executed in 0ms SELECT EntryID FROM CoreConfiguration
WHERE Key='CoreArtists.ModelVersion'
[Debug 10:14:36.410] Executed in 0ms INSERT INTO CoreConfiguration VALUES
(NULL, 'CoreArtists.ModelVersion', '1')
[Debug 10:14:36.412] Executed in 0ms SELECT Value FROM CoreConfiguration
WHERE Key='Database.Version'
[Debug 10:14:36.415] Executed in 0ms SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE
[Debug 10:14:36.434] Executed in 1ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='CoreCache'
[Debug 10:14:36.435] Executed in 1ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_temp_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='CoreCache'
[Debug 10:14:36.436] Executed in 1ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='CoreCacheModels'
[Debug 10:14:36.438] Executed in 0ms SELECT CacheID FROM CoreCacheModels
WHERE ModelID = 'MusicLibrarySource-Library-DatabaseArtistInfo'
[Debug 10:14:36.471] Executed in 0ms INSERT INTO CoreCacheModels (ModelID)
VALUES ('MusicLibrarySource-Library-DatabaseArtistInfo')
[Debug 10:14:36.472] Executed in 0ms SELECT CacheID FROM CoreCacheModels
WHERE ModelID = 'MusicLibrarySource-Library-DatabaseArtistInfo-Selection'
[Debug 10:14:36.473] Executed in 0ms INSERT INTO CoreCacheModels (ModelID)
VALUES ('MusicLibrarySource-Library-DatabaseArtistInfo-Selection')
[Debug 10:14:36.485] Executed in 0ms SELECT Value FROM CoreConfiguration
WHERE Key='CoreAlbums.ModelVersion'
[Debug 10:14:36.492] Executed in 0ms SELECT EntryID FROM CoreConfiguration
WHERE Key='CoreAlbums.ModelVersion'
[Debug 10:14:36.493] Executed in 0ms INSERT INTO CoreConfiguration VALUES
(NULL, 'CoreAlbums.ModelVersion', '1')
[Debug 10:14:36.494] Executed in 0ms SELECT Value FROM CoreConfiguration
WHERE Key='Database.Version'
[Debug 10:14:36.497] Executed in 1ms SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE
[Debug 10:14:36.549] Executed in 0ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='CoreCache'
[Debug 10:14:36.550] Executed in 0ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_temp_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='CoreCache'
[Debug 10:14:36.551] Executed in 0ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='CoreCacheModels'
[Debug 10:14:36.553] Executed in 0ms SELECT CacheID FROM CoreCacheModels
WHERE ModelID = 'MusicLibrarySource-Library-DatabaseAlbumInfo'
[Debug 10:14:36.554] Executed in 0ms INSERT INTO CoreCacheModels (ModelID)
VALUES ('MusicLibrarySource-Library-DatabaseAlbumInfo')
[Debug 10:14:36.555] Executed in 0ms SELECT CacheID FROM CoreCacheModels
WHERE ModelID = 'MusicLibrarySource-Library-DatabaseAlbumInfo-Selection'
[Debug 10:14:36.556] Executed in 1ms INSERT INTO CoreCacheModels (ModelID)
VALUES ('MusicLibrarySource-Library-DatabaseAlbumInfo-Selection')
[Debug 10:14:36.614] Executed in 0ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='CoreCache'
[Debug 10:14:36.615] Executed in 0ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_temp_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='CoreCache'
[Debug 10:14:36.616] Executed in 0ms SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master
WHERE Type='table' AND Name='CoreCacheModels'
[Debug 10:14:36.618] Executed in 0ms SELECT CacheID FROM CoreCacheModels
WHERE ModelID = 'MusicLibrarySource-Library-genre-QueryFilterInfo`1'
[Debug 10:14:36.619] Executed in 0ms INSERT INTO CoreCacheModels (ModelID)
VALUES ('MusicLibrarySource-Library-genre-QueryFilterInfo`1')
[Debug 10:14:36.620] Executed in 0ms SELECT CacheID FROM CoreCacheModels
[Debug 10:14:36.621] Executed in 1ms INSERT INTO CoreCacheModels (ModelID)
VALUES ('MusicLibrarySource-Library-genre-QueryFilterInfo`1-Selection')
[Debug 10:14:36.623] Executed in 1ms SELECT PrimarySourceID FROM
CorePrimarySources WHERE StringID = 'MusicLibrarySource-Library'
[Debug 10:14:36.624] Executed in 1ms SELECT CachedCount FROM
CorePrimarySources WHERE PrimarySourceID = 1
[Debug 10:14:36.632] Executed in 0ms SELECT PlaylistID, Name, SortColumn,
SortType, PrimarySourceID, CachedCount, IsTemporary FROM CorePlaylists 
                    WHERE Special = 0 AND PrimarySourceID = 1
[Debug 10:14:36.633] Executed in 1ms SELECT SmartPlaylistID, Name,
Condition, OrderBy, LimitNumber, LimitCriterion, PrimarySourceID,
CachedCount, IsTemporary
                    FROM CoreSmartPlaylists WHERE PrimarySourceID = 1
[Debug 10:14:36.634] Executed in 1ms SELECT Value FROM CoreConfiguration
WHERE Key='HaveCreatedSmartPlaylists.MusicLibrarySource-Library'
[Debug 10:14:36.765] Executed in 0ms 
                INSERT INTO CoreSmartPlaylists
                    (Name, Condition, OrderBy, LimitNumber, LimitCriterion,
PrimarySourceID, IsTemporary)
                    VALUES ('Favorites', '<request><query
banshee-version="1"><greaterThanEquals><field name="rating"
/><int>4</int></greaterThanEquals></query></request>', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1,
[Debug 10:14:36.768] Executed in 1ms SELECT CacheID FROM CoreCacheModels
WHERE ModelID = 'SmartPlaylistSource-1-DatabaseArtistInfo'
[Debug 10:14:36.769] Executed in 1ms INSERT INTO CoreCacheModels (ModelID)
VALUES ('SmartPlaylistSource-1-DatabaseArtistInfo')
[Debug 10:14:36.769] Executed in 0ms SELECT CacheID FROM CoreCacheModels
WHERE ModelID = 'SmartPlaylistSource-1-DatabaseArtistInfo-Selection'
[Debug 10:14:36.770] Executed in 0ms INSERT INTO CoreCacheModels (ModelID)
VALUES ('SmartPlaylistSource-1-DatabaseArtistInfo-Selection')
[Debug 10:14:36.771] Executed in 0ms SELECT CacheID FROM CoreCacheModels
WHERE ModelID = 'SmartPlaylistSource-1-DatabaseAlbumInfo'
[Debug 10:14:36.772] Executed in 0ms INSERT INTO CoreCacheModels (ModelID)
VALUES ('SmartPlaylistSource-1-DatabaseAlbumInfo')
[Debug 10:14:36.773] Executed in 1ms SELECT CacheID FROM CoreCacheModels
WHERE ModelID = 'SmartPlaylistSource-1-DatabaseAlbumInfo-Selection'
[Debug 10:14:36.775] Executed in 1ms INSERT INTO CoreCacheModels (ModelID)
VALUES ('SmartPlaylistSource-1-DatabaseAlbumInfo-Selection')
[Debug 10:14:36.783] Executed in 0ms SELECT CacheID FROM CoreCacheModels
WHERE ModelID = 'SmartPlaylistSource-1-genre-QueryFilterInfo`1'
[Debug 10:14:36.784] Executed in 0ms INSERT INTO CoreCacheModels (ModelID)
VALUES ('SmartPlaylistSource-1-genre-QueryFilterInfo`1')
[Debug 10:14:36.785] Executed in 0ms SELECT CacheID FROM CoreCacheModels
WHERE ModelID = 'SmartPlaylistSource-1-genre-QueryFilterInfo`1-Selection'
[Debug 10:14:36.786] Executed in 1ms INSERT INTO CoreCacheModels (ModelID)
VALUES ('SmartPlaylistSource-1-genre-QueryFilterInfo`1-Selection')
[Debug 10:14:36.790] Executed in 0ms SELECT CacheID FROM CoreCacheModels
WHERE ModelID = 'SmartPlaylistSource-1-DatabaseTrackInfo'
[Debug 10:14:36.826] Executed in 1ms INSERT INTO CoreCacheModels (ModelID)
VALUES ('SmartPlaylistSource-1-DatabaseTrackInfo')
[Debug 10:14:36.827] Executed in 1ms SELECT CacheID FROM CoreCacheModels
WHERE ModelID = 'SmartPlaylistSource-1-DatabaseTrackInfo-Selection'
[Debug 10:14:36.828] Executed in 0ms INSERT INTO CoreCacheModels (ModelID)
VALUES ('SmartPlaylistSource-1-DatabaseTrackInfo-Selection')
[Debug 10:14:36.839] Executed in 0ms DELETE FROM CoreSmartPlaylistEntries
WHERE SmartPlaylistID = 1;
                  INSERT INTO CoreSmartPlaylistEntries 
                    SELECT NULL, 1 as SmartPlaylistID, TrackId FROM
                        WHERE CoreArtists.ArtistID = CoreTracks.ArtistID AND
CoreAlbums.AlbumID = CoreTracks.AlbumID AND CoreTracks.PrimarySourceID = 1
                        AND ((CoreTracks.Rating >= 4 AND CoreTracks.Rating
[Debug 10:14:36.847] Executed in 1ms SELECT COUNT(*),
SUM(CoreTracks.FileSize) FROM CoreTracks,CoreAlbums,CoreArtists,
CoreSmartPlaylistEntries WHERE CoreArtists.ArtistID = CoreTracks.ArtistID
AND CoreAlbums.AlbumID = CoreTracks.AlbumID  AND 
CoreSmartPlaylistEntries.TrackID = CoreTracks.TrackID AND
CoreSmartPlaylistEntries.SmartPlaylistID = 1 
[Debug 10:14:36.900] Exception executing command: BEGIN; 
                    DELETE FROM CoreCache WHERE ModelID = 17;
                        INSERT INTO CoreCache (ModelID, ItemID) SELECT 17,
CoreTracks.TrackID FROM CoreTracks,CoreAlbums,CoreArtists,
CoreSmartPlaylistEntries WHERE CoreArtists.ArtistID = CoreTracks.ArtistID
AND CoreAlbums.AlbumID = CoreTracks.AlbumID  AND 
CoreSmartPlaylistEntries.TrackID = CoreTracks.TrackID AND
CoreSmartPlaylistEntries.SmartPlaylistID = 1  ORDER BY 
                        CoreArtists.NameLowered ASC, 
                        CoreAlbums.TitleLowered ASC,
                        CoreTracks.Disc ASC,
                        CoreTracks.TrackNumber ASC; COMMIT
Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by
the target of an invocation. --->
Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteExecutionException: SQL logic error or missing
  at Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteCommand.ExecuteStatement (IntPtr pStmt,
System.Int32& cols, System.IntPtr& pazValue, System.IntPtr& pazColName)
  at Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteCommand.ExecuteStatement (IntPtr pStmt)
  at Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteCommand.ExecuteReader (CommandBehavior
behavior, Boolean want_results, System.Int32& rows_affected) [0x00000] 
  at Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery () [0x00000] 
  at Hyena.Data.Sqlite.HyenaSqliteCommand.Execute
(Hyena.Data.Sqlite.HyenaSqliteConnection hconnection,
Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteConnection connection) [0x00000] --- End of
inner exception stack trace ---

  at System.Reflection.MonoCMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags
invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters,
System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] 
  at System.Reflection.MonoCMethod.Invoke (BindingFlags invokeAttr,
System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters,
System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] 
  at System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo.Invoke (System.Object[] parameters)
  at System.Activator.CreateInstance (System.Type type, Boolean nonPublic)
  at System.Activator.CreateInstance (System.Type type) [0x00000] 
  at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Startup () [0x00000] 
  at Hyena.Gui.CleanRoomStartup.Startup (Hyena.Gui.StartupInvocationHandler
startup) [0x00000] 
[Debug 10:14:37.829] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context
[Debug 10:14:37.850] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context
[Debug 10:14:37.856] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Bug-report-2-Banshee-crashes-with-%22An-unhandled-exception-was-thrown%3A-SQL-logic-error-or-missing-database%22-tp20665367p20665367.html
Sent from the Banshee mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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