[Banshee-List] ANNOUNCE: Mirage 0.4.0 released


We are happy to release version 0.4 of the Banshee Mirage extension.
The new version works with the latest Banshee release (1.4).

Mirage is an automatic playlist generation extension for Banshee.
Mirage analyzes your music collection and computes a similarity model
for each song. After your music has been analyzed, Mirage is able to
automatically generate playlists of similar music.

New features include:
 * The Mirage playlist now behaves similarly to the play-queue
 * Improvements of the core music similarity algorithm
 * Better performance and memory leaks were fixed

More information:

Download the source code:

Many thanks go to Bertrand Lorentz for keeping the plugin in perfect
sync with the latest Banshee version && Kudos to the Banshee
developers for the awesome 1.4 release!

Have fun,

DI Dominik Schnitzer
Austrian Research Inst. for Artificial Intelligence
Freyung 6/6, A 1010 Vienna, Austria, Europe
Fax: +43-1-5336112-77(Fax)

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