Re: [Banshee-List] IPOD

On Tue, May 27, 2008 11:09 am, David Ellis wrote:
> I have a Second Generation ipod Nano that Banshee does not recognize I
> am running Fedora 9 and I have installed both libipoddevice and
> ipod-sharp. The system does recognize the ipod and asks me if i want to
> open it with Rhythmbox of Banshee and the ipod shows up under Rhythmbox,
> and under a HAL event. It also allows me to write to it with the system
> and Rhythmbox.
Hi, I'm the package maintainer for banshee, podsleuth & ipod-sharp for
Fedora, it'd appear your issue is not new (I experienced it too).

Can you please run "rpm -qi banshee" "rpm -qi podsleuth" "rpm -qi
selinux-policy-targeted" and "getenforce"

I'm only interested in the versions and the status of selinux (we hit some
issues with SELinux on Fedora 9).

The banshee and podsleuth versions in the F9 updates repository should
work okay with selinux-policy-targeted -51 or greater. (This may still be
in updates-testing).


Nigel Jones

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